She has her husband to take care of her

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Recap: As Agnes expected, the old man had the wrong intention with the girl. He tried to misbehave with Agnes but she replied him.

In the motor room,

The little girl requested Yuvin to save her.

"The little girl is fabricating stories, sir. She's the one who did mistakes. She's lying to avoid consequences," Yuvin asserted.

Stephan felt a pang of sadness as he observed the plight of the young child.

As Stephan witnessed a little girl distress and the gravity of the situation they found themselves in, a wave of guilt washed over him.

He couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he had been too quick to dismiss Agnes' warnings and intervene, potentially hindering her efforts to safeguard the little girl.

The weight of his actions bore heavily on his conscience as he grappled with the realization that his attempts to protect his friend may have inadvertently placed the little girl in harm's way.

"Hold him, Stephan," Yuvin instructed.

Stephan gripped the old man's hand and forced him to kneel before everyone.

Yuvin knelt before the little girl.

"Girls who lie will meet their end by tonight. Do you want to die?" Yuvin questioned.

The little girl vigorously shook her head, indicating a firm no.

"Then tell me, who are you? Why are you here with him?" Yuvin pressed.

The girl explained that her mother works as a maid and her father is a driver. She had been staying with her grandfather since her parents went to work. Yesterday, despite her parents' prohibition, she had attended a friend's party.

Her grandfather had found out about it and threatened to inform her mother. To silence him, she had reluctantly accompanied him here.

As Agnes listened to the little girl's story, a wave of sorrow engulfed her, triggering memories from her own past.

In the haunting echoes of the girl's plea for help, Agnes found herself revisiting moments of her own vulnerability and pain.

With a heavy heart, Agnes mourned not only for the little girl's suffering but also for the echoes of her own past that resonated so deeply within her soul.

Agnes wept silently.

"Do you understand what he's doing to you?" Yuvin questioned.

"He's touching me inappropriately," the girl replied, tears streaming down her face.

"Why did you come here with him?" Yuvin inquired.

"He told me I had to help him with his bath by fetching water from the well, so I came along," the girl explained.

Yuvin's fist collided forcefully with the old man's face.

"She's your granddaughter! What were you doing to her?" he demanded angrily.

The old man pleaded for forgiveness.

Yuvin reported the old man to his family and returned the daughter to her parents.

"Children enjoy spending time with friends. When you don't want them to attend parties or events, ensure you explain your reasons. This way, they'll respect your decisions. Otherwise, individuals like him will take advantage. Don't worry, he'll face consequences. Take care," Yuvin advised.

They expressed their gratitude towards Yuvin.

The little girl expressed her gratitude towards Yuvin and Agnes.

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