Chapter One

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King William the eighth and queen Regina the first of Emberfall.’ The royal advisor called as the king and queen came to the room and everyone bowed to them. The king and his queen sat down and the advisor announced: ‘Prince Benjamin the first.’ And to the room came a man in his early thirties. He scanned the room with his blue eyes and saw the tough atmosphere in the room. He ran his hand through his dark hair and walked over to the king and queen. He sat down on his own throne and the advisor said: ‘Let the banquet begin.’
Ben glanced at a group of knights standing by one of the curtains. The advisor announced: ‘Princess Regina of Emberfall.’ And Benjamin’s sister came to the room. She was a beautiful young lady. Her dark hair fell on her shoulders and turned into soft curls that swung with the rhythm of her steps. She was wearing a beautiful evening gown in the colour of beige. Her blue eyes were shining from her face and were perfectly bordered by wonderful work of eye make-up.
As she walked over to her brother and sat down by his side, the banquet started to become less and less enjoyable for Benjamin. He bent to his father and said: ‘Father, may I step outside for a bit?’ and the king nodded.
Benjamin got up and walked to a balcony. He stood by the railing and sighed, looking at the stars. His friend, the royal advisor James, approached him. He said: ‘Sire, what’s the problem?’ Ben said: ‘Oh, Jim. This is terrible. My parents have been trying to get a woman for me.’ Jim said: ‘Yes, actually…Your parents want you to come back. She is already here.’
Ben rolled his eyes and followed Jim back inside. Jim announced: ‘Princess Martha of Willowbrook.’ And to the room came a beautiful young woman. Part of her blonde hair was tied, making a high ponytail, while the rest was sent to flow freely down her back. Her blue gown created a nice contrast with her green eyes as they searched around the room.
Her eyes stopped in a place, where they met another glance. She smiled at one of the knights’ young page Mathew. One of the knights’ standing by the curtains, who caught prince Benjamin’s glance earlier.
Mathew smiled back and the princess kept walking towards the throne and bowed to the king. The king said: ‘Welcome to our kingdom, dear princess. We are happy to have you here.’ The princess smiled and nodded. As she sat down near to the throne, the dancing started again. King said to his son: ‘Benjamin. Go take the princess for a dance.’ Ben sighed and got up. He went over to the princess and said: ‘May I have this dance?’ and the princess smiled at him and nodded.
They got to the dance floor and danced together. The princess said: ‘Sir, it is really great to finally meet you.’ Benjamin said: ‘Likewise, Martha. But I want to inform you that I have no intention of marrying you.’ Martha said: ‘You were forced as well?’ Ben’s eyes widened and he said: ‘Yes, were you?’ and Martha nodded.
One of the knights bent to his friend’s Paige and said: ‘Mat, she is beautiful, isn’t she?’ Mat said: ‘Indeed, sir, she is.’ The knight said: ‘I told you to address me by my name, didn’t I?’ ‘Yes. Sorry Simon.’ And the knight nodded. He said: ‘There are some fair maidens as well. Go and take them for a dance if you want.’ The other knight said: ‘Oh, he would like to take the princess dancing instead. He’s been watching her since she arrived. Simon said: ‘Oh, Larry. Let the young man have some platonic love in his life. It must be hard to be by your side all the damn time.’ Sir Laurence  looked at his friend and smiled. He said: ‘Oh, I have certainly fallen in love as well this very evening.’ And stole another glance towards the dance floor.
As the night progressed a little, Ben found himself talking to Martha more and more often.
He went to the balcony with her and he was already a little tipsy, but so was she. She said: ‘Sire, to be honest, I do not fancy you at all.’ ‘Neither do I.’ Ben said and took a sip of wine from his chalice. She said: ‘Would you mind if I went to talk to the knights?’ Ben said: ‘Yes, sure. Go on.’ And she left.

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