Chapter Three

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The next day, prince Benjamin, Princesses Martha and Regina, Royal advisor James and Benjamin’s royal parents all met up for breakfast. James couldn’t help but steal glance after glance at beautiful princess Regina. There was something only he knew about and didn’t dare to share it with anyone.
King William said: ‘Benjamin. I noticed that you seemed to have a great time at the banquet and you obviously don’t hate her as much as the other women before.’ Benjamin said: ‘Indeed, she is a nice lady.’ And Martha smiled. The king said: ‘I have decided to wed you to her.’ Ben almost choked on his food as his father said that. He sent a glance to James and said to his father: ‘Father. With all due respect, I frankly disagree with your decision.’ King said: ‘You are way over the age for marriage, young man. We need to do something about it. You have a wonderful possibility to have as beautiful wife as I do. Do not let it slip. As I said. You two will get married.’ Ben put the cutlery, he was holding back onto his plate and stood up. He took a chalice and drank all the wine out of it. He said: ‘Right, your Highness. You’re used to everyone else obeying your command and I respect your authority, my lord. But you cannot force your own son to marry someone he doesn’t love.’ The king got up as well and said: ‘You are not here to decide what I can and can’t. I have already decided. Our dynasty will be succeeded by a male heir and hopefully another one after you.’ Ben hit his fist against the table and shouted: ‘You never cared about us! Never cared about what we think or what our desires are! You never even listen. None of you listen to what me and Regina have to say! Have you ever asked us who we like? NO! YOU HAVEN’T! Never in my life have I heard someone ask for my opinion! I didn’t choose to be a fucking king in the first place!’ The queen shouted: ‘BENJAMIN! LANGUAGE!’ which made Ben calm down slightly, but his father rage even more. He said: ‘You will do as I say, or you are no longer my son!’
Ben’s eyes welled with tears, as he grabbed the crown and looked at it. He slammed it against the table and said: ‘Let me not be your son, then. I will cope. Have a great rest of the day. Your majesties.’ He forced the last words through his teeth and got away from the table. ‘BENJAMIN!’ the queen shouted, but Ben slammed the door behind him.
The queen watched from the window as the prince got onto his horse and rode away as fast as a wind. She turned to her husband, saying: ‘William, you know I respect you. But was this necessary?’ The king said: ‘He does not follow his duties. He needs to learn.’ The queen grabbed his hands and said: ‘My love…You had the opportunity to choose your wife. Let him have the same pleasure.’ The king said: ‘My father died and I had to become king. I was fifteen.’ The queen said: ‘But you chose me. And we are happy, aren’t we?’ ‘Yes.’ The king whispered deeply while laying his head onto the queen’s chest. The queen said: ‘We have two beautiful children together. That is the best life we could imagine. Let him choose. He is locked up here all his life. It must be hard for him as well.’ The king sighed, his fingers playing with the fabric of his queen’s dress.
She said: ‘Promise me, you will let him choose.’ The king nodded and kissed his queen.
Benjamin rode Stella through the forests far from the castle. His anger and helplessness mixed in a fiery cloud of emotion that filled his mind. He stopped the horse suddenly. He just stood there and sighed: ‘Oh Stella. I just wish to be free. Is it too much to ask?’
‘Your majesty.’ A voice suddenly stirred the cloud in his mind. He turned around and saw Sir Laurence  on his own horse, standing in front of him. He said: ‘The king ordered me to follow you, my lord. Is everything alright?’ Ben smiled, seeing the so familiar face again. He said: ‘I just needed a moment on my own, sir.’ Laurence said: ‘I understand, your highness. But you cannot just wander around the woods on your own. That is why I am here.
Ben kicked Stella’s hips and made her start running. Laurence sighed and followed him on his horse. The prince was running through the forest and at one moment he glanced back at Sir Laurence  close behind. The prince didn’t  notice the branch in his way. Stella fit under it perfectly, put the branch was thick and it knocked the prince off the horse’s back. The horse ran a few more metres, before stopping and the prince laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath from the hit he received right in his chest.
Sir Laurence  left his horse close by and rushed over to the prince. He kneeled down near him and said: ‘Your majesty, are you alright?’ The prince chuckled, but winced in pain as his body reminded him of what just happened. Laurence said: ‘Stay still, sire. I will call for help.’ Benjamin grabbed Laurence’s arm and said: ‘Don’t. Just…stay by my side, Laurence.’ As the knight looked in his master’s eyes, strange familiarity rushed over him. Ben raised himself from the ground, pressing his lips onto Laurence’s.
As the seconds passed and the kiss deepened, Laurence’s desire was replaced with realisation and he pushed the prince away gently, yet quickly. The prince winced at the pain in his chest once again and Laurence said: ‘Forgive me, sire. I didn’t mean to do this.’ Ben looked in his eyes and whispered: ‘I did.’ And  Laurence’s eyes searched for a spark of wit in his lord’s. Laurence said: ‘Sire, we should get back.’ And that was when Benjamin realised, that without armour on, Laurence didn’t recognise his lover anymore.
Ben’s heart sank at the realisation and his eyes welled up with tears once again. Laurence said: ‘Are you in great pain, my lord?’ Ben was quiet and sat up. He said: ‘Greater the pain of emotions that the one of the body.’ And got up on his own, pushing Laurence away, as he tried to help him. Laurence said: ‘Sire, I am sorry for my refusal, but we are forbidden to do this. I am one of chivalry and you are the future king. If only you were a knight, my lord. I do fancy you actually. I put my life on that, sire. But we just cannot…’ That was all Ben needed to hear.
He cut him off as he pulled the knight close and their lips met again. Laurence dove into the romance as well this time, pressing his body against his future king’s with force that Ben remembered from the encounter at the tavern. Soon, he felt himself being pushed against something once again, as Sir Laurence, driven by desire, slammed his lord’s back against a tree behind him. The prince moaned deeply as the knight’s hands roamed over his body, exploring every inch of his skin. The prince said: ‘Touch me, Laurence. I want you.’ Laurence’s lips fell to the prince’s neck, planting soft kisses all over it, making Ben moan with pleasure.
The knight got on his knees in front of the prince and started unbuttoning his trousers, making Ben’s head fall back as he imagined what was going to happen.
Moments later, the knight’s experienced lips wrapped around his lord’s erection, sending waves of pleasure through his body, making it hard for him to stand on his own feet. As Laurence’s tongue traced inches of the prince’s hard member, the prince grabbed Laurence’s hair instinctively, holding onto the tree for support with his other hand. He moaned loud and Laurence picked up the pace, speeding up the bops of his head, making the prince moan even louder.
Laurence’s name on the prince’s lips announced him getting closer to the edge. As the prince gripped his lover’s hair harder, the more experienced man knew exactly what was happening. He sped up the pace even more, sucking harder than before. The prince finished into his mouth with Laurence’s name on his lips. As the prince tried to recover from his wonderful climax, Laurence got up, supporting the him. Their eyes met again and this time, Laurence initiated the kiss, making Ben’s limbs tremble with excitement, as he stroked Sir Laurence ’s body.
The knight said: ‘Sire, I apologise for my…’ Ben’s hand flew to Laurence’s lips, shushing him, as he said: ‘I am sorry, my friend. I am greatly afraid, I will not be able to do the same for you.’ The knight said: ‘Oh, do not worry, sire. It was none of my intentions.’ Ben smiled, giving the knight one more kiss on his precious and soft lips.
Princess Regina called the royal advisor to her chamber. James showed up nervous, his limbs shaking as he was supposed to talk to the princess in private for the first time. He said: ‘Did you call me, your highness?’ Regina said: ‘Indeed James. I did.’ James closed the door behind him and Regina said: ‘There is one desire of mine that I would like to hear your opinion about.’ Jim nodded, not thinking much about it. He was the royal advisor after all.
The princess approached him and looked deep into his blue eyes. That was when Jim realised, how beautiful the princess’ eyes actually were. She said: ‘Could you do me a favour, dear Jim?’ Jim looked at her and nodded hesitantly. The princess placed her hand on Jim’s cheek and said: ‘Could you kiss me, James?’ a spark of hope shone in Jim’s eyes as the words escaped her lips. Jim said: ‘Your majesty, this is…unacceptable. You are royal princess and me…just an advisor.’ She said: ‘The best one. I have been keeping my feelings to myself for a long time, James. And now I shared them with you. I love you, Jim. I’ve always had.’
Jim felt his heart beat faster as he heard the confession. He pulled the princess closer and kissed her soft lips. Regina’s hands wandered around Jim’s body, exploring it, as Jim’s hands travelled around her curves, sending shivers down her spine.
As they pulled apart, Regina said: ‘Come back this night, my love. Come to make me whole again. For when I’m without you, a part of me is always missing.’ And with that, she gave Jim one final kiss. He bowed and left the room, closing the door behind him.
Prince Benjamin returned to the palace and that was when Sir Laurence  realised that the branch did not only hurt Ben’s chest, but it also cut his arm. Sir Laurence  called the doctor and the queen approached them, hugging her son, saying soothing things to him. Benjamin said: ‘This man saved my life, mother.’ And pointed at Sir Laurence . The queen said: ‘Is that true Sir Laurence?’
Laurence was already down on one knee before the queen and his glance travelled between prince and the queen. He said: ‘It is not, your highness. All I did was bring the prince back, just like my order said.’ The queen said: ‘You are still a brave man, Sir Laurence . Thank you.’ Laurence smiled.

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