Chapter Six

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For the next few days, Sir Laurence couldn’t help but think about what his loyal friend Simon said to him. He was right with his point that Larry didn’t actually know anything about the other knight except his name and his rank. It was eating him alive. As he sat at the pub on his own, he saw Sir Roderick walk into the room. His eyes landed on Larry as he glanced around the room. The other knight smiled and approached Larry. He said: ‘Good evening, my friend. How are you?’ ‘Good.’ Larry answered dryly, his fingers playing with the engraving on his metal chalice.
Sir Roderick whispered: ‘I missed you, my love. What about we go to your place again, tonight?’ Laurence smiled and took a sip. He said: ‘Yes, let’s do that.’ And put coins on the table, leaving them there for the barmaid to take. The barmaid wasn’t Beatrice though. She was with Sir Simon as he took another horse from the castle and tried to teach her how to ride it. Page Mathew, on the other hand, was in a garden by the royal palace, waiting for princess Martha to join him for a walk.
As Simon taught Beatrice how to ride a horse properly, they took off for a run through the field and forest track. Beatrice got over her fear and she was enjoying it. Sir Simon then took a turn and Beatrice’s horse followed by. Simon stopped his horse on top of a cliff and Beatrice’s horse stopped right next to Simon’s. As Simon’s horse stomped in patiently, Simon looked at Beatrice and said: ‘I like to come here to think time to time. I thought about you here countless times, ma’am.’ Beatrice smiled and said: ‘Sir Simon, may I have a question, my lord?’ Simon said: ‘Anything you want, ma’am.’ Beatrice said: ‘What exactly do you want from me?’ and Simon looked in her eyes, saying: ‘I just want to spend tine with you, ma’am. I told you.’ Beatrice said: ‘So you wouldn’t like to hold me, to kiss me, to please yourself with me?’ Simon smiled and said: ‘I surely would like that, but I gave a promise, ma’am.’ Beatrice smiled and said: ‘But the promise was only for yesternight, my lord.’ And Simon smiled. He got off his horse and Beatrice did the same. As they stood on the cliff, facing each other, their lips met in a lustful kiss that Simon has wished for since he saw her. The kiss got deeper and more passionate, until they both found themselves laying on the ground, exploring each other’s mouths in deeper and deeper kisses with their tongues.
Beatrice was on top of Simon, holding onto his body for support as they kept kissing each other. She could feel Simon’s arousal as she rocked her hips back and forth just like the last time. She said: ‘Take me, sire. Take all of me tonight.’ And  Simon kissed her lips once again.
As Mathew walked in the garden with the princess and her court ladies, Martha said: ‘Ladies, I wish to speak to dear Mathew, here in private. Would you care to go, I will join you soon.’ The three ladies nodded and walked away. As Martha and Mathew lost them from their sight, their lips touched immediately in a hungry and passionate kiss.
As prince Benjamin, disguised as Sir Roderick, entered Sir Laurence’s chamber, sir Laurence closed the door behind them. He looked like something major was troubling him and Roderick noticed. He said: ‘My love, is everything alright with you? You seem troubled.’ Larry looked in his lover’s eyes and then sat on the bed. Roderick sat next to him and said: ‘You know, you can tell me anything, right?’ and Laurence’s glance met his own once again. He said: ‘Roderick, I have to confess. I have another lover.’ Roderick looked shocked, but tried to contain himself. He said: ‘Well, who is it?’ Laurence said: ‘It is prince Benjamin. I can’t seem to choose between the two of you and it hurts me.’ Roderick said: ‘Thank you for your honesty, my friend. I appreciate it.’ Roderick looked at the floor and said: ‘Is there anything I can help with.’ Laurence nodded and embraced his lover, the warmth of his body helping him relieve the tension between them.
As Sir Simon and Beatrice laid next to each other, satisfied, Simon looked in her eyes once again. He said: ‘My love, this was marvellous. You are marvellous.’ And Beatrice smiled, giving him another kiss.
As princess Martha and Mathew got to a lake near the castle, they sat on the edge and talked for a while. They knew they are not able to enjoy intimacy together, because of their differences. But that didn’t stand in ways of kisses and gentleness that these moments were completely filled with.
The next day, prince Benjamin called Sir Laurence to his chamber, ready to reveal his identity as Sir Roderick. As Laurence entered the room, Benjamin paced around the room impatiently, disguised as Sir Roderick up until the very moment of Laurence coming into the room. His eyes widened as he saw his lover. He said: ‘Roderick? You’re not supposed to be here. This is the prince’s chamber.’ Ben smiled and took his wig off, followed by his Laurence’s eyes widened at the sight and he got down on one knee immediately. He said: ‘Your Majesty, forgive me, I had no idea…’ Ben stopped him from talking as he took his hands, pulling him up to stand in front of him. The prince tried to kiss him, but Laurence moved away. Ben said: ‘What’s wrong, my love?’ Laurence’s eyes welled up with tears as his lips let out: ‘Sire, do you think I am just a toy?’ ‘Sorry?’ The prince said and Laurence continued, now with more force in his voice. He said: ‘This was just a game for you, wasn’t it? You just wanted to play with me, joke around by playing with my feelings towards you. They were true and raw and you took advantage of them.’ Ben tried to say something, but Laurence stormed out of the room, crying.
He met James in the hallway, but instead of talking to him, James ran towards the prince’s room. He entered and said: ‘Sire, is everything alright?’ Ben’s eyes were already filled with tears and as he blinked, the tears started coming down his face. He said: ‘I…I…No it’s not.’ And started crying even more.
After he explained all to Jim, he thought of a way to make this right once again. He figured out that he has to visit Laurence and apologise and explain everything. Ben agreed. That very night, the prince took Stella and ran her towards Sir Laurence’s castle.
The king stood by the window in his chamber and saw the prince, as he was preparing his horse. He said to his wife: ‘Unbelievable.’ He called for his knights and told them to follow his son secretly.
Benjamin arrived at the castle and was let in immediately. He walked inside and came to the chamber of Sir Laurence. He knocked and Laurence opened the door. He saw the prince and said: ‘Your Majesty, it is done. I have nothing to say to you.’
As Laurence was about to close the door, Ben put his foot inside, keeping Laurence from doing that. He pushed the door, making it open. He said: ‘Laurence, my love. I agree that this was such a stupid thing to do, but I wouldn’t be able to get close to you. My feelings are genuine, my lord. I honestly love you from the bottom of my heart and I would die, knowing that I hurt you. It was not my intention at all, my love. You mean everything to me.’ Their eyes met and Ben tried to kiss his lover and this time Laurence allowed it to happen.
As their tongues dances together in a perfect sync and their hands were all over each other, the door flew open and king’s knights came into the room, seeing the two men in a tight embrace. ‘Shit.’ They both said and exchanged glances.

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