Chapter Two

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As the prince woke up the next day, his head hurt a little. He looked out of the window and saw the knights. Jim came to the room and said: ‘Morning, sire.’ ‘Morning, Jim. Look. The knights. It must be wonderful to be free like that.’ James said: ‘Sire, I’m sure they have their own duties, just like you.’ Ben then got an idea. He went to the door and closed it. He whispered: ‘Jim! I’ve got it! I am gonna get among them.’ James said: ‘Sire, I’m not sure your father would be happy about it.’ ‘That’s why we don’t tell him.’ Ben said and mischievous grin appeared on his face.
He said: ‘You will find out when they’re going to a tavern. Find it out for me and come tell me.’ James said: ‘Sire, I’m not sure if I want to take part in this.’ Ben said: ‘Jimmy, please. I need to get out for a bit. To clean my head. I need it.’ Jim sighed and said: ‘If they catch you, I didn’t know about anything.’ ‘Thank you, Jim!’ Ben said and hugged him.
As James left the room, Ben went over to the window and watched one of the knights. Sir Laurence  was very strong man, who held sword like it was a part of his arm. He was great in combat and he was moving quickly and forcefully while it. Ben admired him. He actually fancied him, but he couldn’t let anyone know. This was a big disappointment for his family and he had to keep it for himself. He thought about telling Jim, but didn’t manage to gain the strength just yet.
Jim returned later and Ben came to him as quickly as his royal legs allowed him to. James said: ‘Sire, they are going this very evening.’ ‘Tonight?’ Ben asked and Jim nodded. Ben sighed and said: ‘I need you to help me get out of here. No. I want you to come with me.’ ‘Sire?’ Jim said in disbelief and Ben said: ‘Yes. As my page. You will meet new people. I need you to get disguises for both of us.’ Jim sighed and said: ‘I just hope your father doesn’t find out about this.’

The prince said: ‘Oh, don’t worry. My father has other duties tonight.’
As the door to king’s bedroom closed, his eyes landed on his beautiful wife. He said: ‘My beloved. What do you think about our son’s excesses. You know…running around on horses all day. Refusing to get married. He is already twenty-seven years old. I won’t be here forever.’ The queen came to him and placed her hands on the king’s chest. She said: ‘Darling. He is a nice boy. We raised him well. I’m sure he will be a great king one day. Let’s not bother your royal head with this. Maybe something else would clear your mind tonight.’ The queen smiled and untangled a ribbon on her night gown, making it fall to the ground. The king’s glance travelled over her marvellous curves that he always so adored. The king pulled her closer, closing the distance between the two of them. As his lips met hers, he forgot all his worries, his mind clouded by the passion and desire burning within him. He laid the queen down on the royal bed and took his gown off as well. King was one of a fit body structure and even for some minor imperfections, the queen knew well whom her son Benjamin gets these qualities from.
As king’s thick arms wrapped around the body of his queen, he felt a connection as always. Their lips met again in even more passionate kiss as he entered his beloved. She moaned into the kiss sending vibrations through his lips and shivers down his spine. With each thrust, the king though less and less of his royal duties. As the passion reached the peak, the king fell panting on the bed. He embraced his love and fell asleep peacefully, knowing that whatever happens, he will always have another soul to share his worries with.
James returned to the prince’s room with disguise for both Ben and himself. Ben took the armour from him and looked at it, spreading it out onto his royal cushions. He said: ‘Look at it. Do you think it will suit me?’ Jim smiled and said: ‘I’m sure about it, sire.’ And Ben smiled back at him.
They put their disguises on and snuck to the stables. Ben approached his beloved horse. A beautiful horse with colour of a freshly churned butter with dark, calm and understanding eyes.
He said: ‘Stella. My beautiful horse lady. She is precious. I love her. We spend a lot of time together.’ Jim said: ‘Indeed, sire. Rather too much time sometimes. It drives your father crazy.’ Ben sighed, petting Stella’s head. He said: ‘Well, her name means ‘Star’ in Latin. And I like to spend time with stars. They don’t talk. They just listen and understand. Just like Stella.’ James looked at the prince and said: ‘I am here for you, sire. I will listen, too.’ Ben smiled and looked at his friend, his trembling lips letting out a soft: ‘Thank you, my friend.’
Ben then said: ‘You will have Roderick, here. He is a calm stallion. A beautiful one indeed.’ And stroked his head as well. Roderick was horse of a colour that horsemen nowadays call black bay. It was not plain black, though. Roderick’s legs were white halfway up to his knees and there was a white patch on his forehead as well. James said: ‘Sir, are you sure we should do this?’ Ben looked at his friend and said: ‘I have never longed more for anything in my life, James.’
James nodded, and since he was not one of the tallest men in the kingdom, Ben helped him into the saddle. Then with one swift movement, Ben got into the saddle as well and kicked Stella’s hips softly with his heel, making her run out of the stable and towards the town nearby.
They got to the tavern and tied their horses outside. Jim’s legs were a little wiggly from the journey and Ben said: ‘You will get used to it soon.’ And Jim forced a smile, as Ben walked into the tavern. His eyes searched the room and he saw the knights sitting in the corner. Jim said: ‘Sure, we still have a chance to go. After all, these men know you. They have seen you many times before. They might recognise you.’ Ben said: ‘It’s worth the try, isn’t it?’ and before Jim could say anything against one of the clearly not brightest ideas of the prince, he walked over to a table clos3 to the knights and sat down. He ordered a beer for himself and his page as well and they talked for a bit, Ben always stealing a glance after a glance at the knights nearby.
Sir Laurence noticed the young knight that entered the tavern. Sir Simon said: ‘What are you looking at?’ And turned to see, but was quickly pulled back by his friend. Laurence said: ‘I know that man. I’ve seen him before.’ Simon smiled and said: ‘One of your night adventures?’ Laurence smiled and said: ‘Oh, I wish. Look at him. All muscular and handsome. I would surely love to share my bed with him tonight.’ Simon looked at him and then turned back towards Laurence. He said: ‘Nah, never seen him before.’
As the man sat down near to them, Laurence’s both curiosity and libido, brought him to the table where the handsome young lad was sitting.
Sir Laurence, strengthened by a few extra chalices of wine, approached the man sitting by the table nearby, saying: ‘Good afternoon, sire.’ ‘G…good afternoon.’ The unknown young man stuttered, clearly taken aback by Laurence’s approach. Laurence said: ‘May I?’ and held onto a chair by the table.
The stranger nodded slowly and Laurence took a seat. He said: ‘I hope, that I’m not disturbing you, my brother in chivalry, but I couldn’t help but approach you out of pure curiosity. What is your name, sir…?’ Ben said: ‘Ehm…Roderick. My name is Roderick.’
Ben couldn’t understand how the knight didn’t recognise him. All he did was add a moustache, bit of hair under his lips, wear a long wig And an armour. He did look a bit different, but he was pretty easily recognisable. At least he thought.
Jim was watching the encounter close to the two men, praying for the knight not to recognise the prince. The knight said: ‘Sir Roderick. I cannot help but feel like I have encountered you before. In a battle, perhaps?’ Ben said: ‘Yes, I fought many battles throughout the kingdom, but frankly, your face is not one I would forget, my friend.’ Laurence smiled and said: ‘My name is Laurence. Nice to meet you, Roderick. Would you care to join our table? My friends would be more than glad to welcome you and your page amongst us.’ Ben smiled and nodded.
Laurence said: ‘The wine you drink, is on us tonight, sire.’ And Ben smiled once again.
As a few more chalices of wine passed, the men found themselves rather friendly with one another. Ben couldn’t help but steal every given opportunity to touch his new friend. He kept making eye contact with him when the group laughed and for once he felt loved and understood.
As they decided they’ve had enough, Laurence said: ‘Sir, would you care to join me for a private talk outside?’ Ben nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. Jim got up as well to join them, but Laurence’s page, Mathew, Grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back into his seat. Mat said: ‘Didn’t you hear? He said private, mate. Calm down.’ Jim said: ‘N…no, you don’t understand. I have to take care of…’ Simon grabbed another chalice with wine and put it on the table in front of him saying: ‘Trust me, brother. It is better for all of us not to know what’s going on out there.’ And grinned.
As Laurence dragged Ben out of the tavern, Ben realised he’s  actually holding him by the hand. Laurence stood behind the corner of the tavern building as a few drunken fellas passed them, hiding behind the wall, pressing Ben against it and watching the men as they left. He then looked at Ben with his big blue eyes.
In the moonlight, Ben saw his shoulders shine, as the armour was perfectly modelling the structure of his body. He wasn’t exactly hunky, but there was something about his body that just pulled Ben to him both emotionally and sexually. As their eyes met, Ben realised that the other man was slightly smaller than himself, but it all faded away as the man kicked into one of his legs, making Benjamin spread them slightly, lowering himself to Laurence’s level.
Laurence said: ‘Roderick, forgive me, but I cannot help myself. Seeing your beautiful eyes look at me so helplessly as you’re pinned here against this wall. Your lips, begging to be kissed only by simply existing…’ Ben’s breath hitched as he listened to what Laurence was saying. Laurence sighed: ‘Tell me if I may and I will make you feel as good as ever.’ Ben closed his eyes and nodded slowly, biting his lip. Laurence, drunk on both wine and lust kissed his friend’s neck, leaving wet traces all over it. Benjamin sighed as Laurence’s lips travelled all around his neck and then found his own lips.
Laurence positioned his knee in between Ben’s legs, creating contact with his clothed hard-on, making Ben moan into the kiss. Laurence stopped kissing him for a bit and said panting: ‘Oh, Roderick. You are wonderful. Let me touch you. May I?’ Ben gasped as Laurence palmed him through his trousers and Laurence said: ‘Say anything and I’ll stop.’ Ben couldn’t say a word but be completely overwhelmed by the lust and desire within him. However, he didn’t know a lot about it. After all, he comes from royalty and it is a tradition to stay innocent completely up until the very wedding night. In other words, Ben was still a virgin and did not know what was happening within his body or outside of it. As Laurence’s hand tried to make it’s way inside of Ben’s trousers, Ben grabbed it with a force, that made Laurence stop immediately.
Laurence said: ‘I’m sorry. Have I gone too far? Have I done anything wrong? I can…’ Ben slammed his own lips against Laurence’s this time and as he stopped, Laurence said: ‘I don’t understand.’ Ben whispered: ‘I…I would love to. Just…not here.’ And Laurence nodded. He said: ‘I’m sorry, Roderick. Of course. May I invite you to my place tonight, then?’ Ben, knowing that he would not be able to get back to the palace on time, said: ‘Laurence, let’s leave it for another time. I think I will be around here quite often now.’ And smiled. Laurence said: ‘It’s Larry.’ ‘Alright then, Larry.’ Ben said and smiled again. Larry said: ‘May I kiss you goodbye, then?’ Ben slammed his lips against his friend’s one more time and they returned back into the tavern.
As Ben left the tavern that evening, he was immediately questioned about the private encounter with Laurence by James. He said: ‘What was that supposed to mean, sire? You cannot just leave my sight with a man you just met. What if he hurt you?’ Ben said: ‘James, leave it now. We will talk about that later.’ And helped him get on the horse. 
He got into the saddle as well and stole another glance towards the tavern. Through the window, his eyes met Larry’s and the two men smiled. Ben waved at him and Larry waved back, smiling. Ben’s heart jumped from joy as he kicked Stella’s hips, making her run back towards the castle.
Ben got in bed about an hour before the sunrise. He huddled himself into the sheets and thought of this wonderful encounter with a man, he’s been looking at for ages, but was never actually brave enough to talk to or even smile at. His heart pounded in his chest as he imagined the situation again, his body doing things it never did before, his mind thinking things it never thought before. He had never felt such a strong desire for another man before, and he thought of exploring his own body, since those feelings left him both excited and scared.
As he closed his eyes and let his mind wander, Ben’s hand moved down to his waistband. He hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest, before finally undoing the buttons and slipping his hand inside his own trousers. Ben’s touch was hesitant and uncertain, as if he were afraid of what he might find. But as he began to explore the sensitive skin of his groin, a thrill of excitement coursed through him. As he continued to stroke himself, his thoughts turned to Sir Laurence  once again. He imagined the knight’s hands on his body, exploring him in ways he had never dreamed of. The image was both intoxicating and terrifying, and Ben found himself struggling to breathe as he neared the brink of release.
Meanwhile, Sir Laurence was also pleasuring himself in his own house. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Sir Roderick, and he couldn’t help but imagine the man’s soft skin beneath his hands. As he stroked himself, Sir Laurence  closed his eyes and whispered Roderick’s name.
The contrast between their experiences was stark. While Prince Benjamin was uncertain and unsure, Sir Laurence  was confident and experienced. He knew exactly what his own body needed, and he didn’t hesitate to give it what it craved.
As they both approached their climaxes, their thoughts turned to each other once again. Prince Benjamin imagined Sir Laurence ’s hands on him, pulling him closer as they both cried out in ecstasy. Sir Laurence  imagined Roderick’s lips on his own skin, sending shivers down his spine.
In the end, they both finished with the other one’s name on their lips. Prince Ben cried out ‘Laurence!’ as he spilled over his hand, while Sir Laurence  moaned ‘Roderick!’ as he collapsed back onto his bed.
As they both caught their breaths, their minds were consumed with thoughts of each other once again. They knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would change them forever. They both wished for the day when they could be together in person, exploring each other’s bodies in ways that would leave them both breathless.
As prince Benjamin fell asleep the next day, princess Martha couldn’t help, but sneak out of the palace as well. She got into the garden, where page Mathew was waiting for her patiently. He said: ‘You wanted to speak to me, Ma'am?’ Martha smiled and pushed him against a tree behind him. She said: ‘I’m the future queen, right?’ ‘Yes ma’am.’ Mathew answered, his heart racing with both thrill and excitement. ‘And you are a knight’s page, correct?’ ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Mathew said again and the princes looked deep into his Chocolate-coloured eyes, saying: ‘But tonight, we’re just two souls looking for connection. Take me. Take my body. Make me feel whole again.’ Mathew looked at the princess in disbelief.
As her lips locked with his, searing their lust in a passionate kiss, Mathew took all the courage he had to start tracing his fingers all over the princess’ body. His touch was overwhelming for Martha and so very satisfying for Mathew. Martha held him back and said: ‘We cannot, my love. Not yet. My royal duties don’t allow this at all. You surely understand.’ Mathew nodded, his gaze dropping to the ground. Martha placed her hand right under Mathew’s chin, making his gaze meet hers.
She said: ‘But worry not. The day will come. Then we will both get what we crave.’ Mathew smiled and kissed the princess once again.

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