Chapter Four

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The room was completely in darkness, except for the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window. Princess Regina laid on the bed, her eyes closed as she felt the sensation of James’ hands caressing her body. His touch was gentle yet certain, sending shivers down her spine.
James leaned in and kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth as his hands continued to explore her curves. Regina moaned softly, her body responding to his every touch.
James broke the kiss, trailing kisses down Regina’s neck and shoulders before reaching her breasts. He took one of her royal nipples in his mouth, sucking gently as Regina arched her back, and sighed softly from the pleasure he was giving her.
James continued his way of trailing kisses down Regina’s stomach until he reached her groin. He spread her legs wider, gazing at the sight before him with disbelief. Regina’s breath got caught in her throat as James’ tongue darted out to taste her for the first time.
Regina’s body trembled with pleasure as James explored every inch of her with his tongue, sending waves of ecstasy through her body. She clutched at the sheets, trying to hold on to them as Jim’s tongue continued its dance between her folds.
Finally, Jim rose up between Regina’s legs, his hard-on poised at the entrance of her forbidden fruit. Regina’s eyes widened as she felt him push inside her, a sharp pain shooting through her as he stretched her wide. But as James began to move within her, Regina’s pain transformed into pleasure, a new world of sensations unfolding before her.
James picked up the pace, thrusting deep into her as she moaned and writhed beneath him. The room was filled with the sound of their bodies coming together in a symphony of passion and desire.
As James continued to move within Regina, she felt herself coming closer the edge, a wave of pleasure building within her. She cried out as she reached her climax, a release washing over her in waves. James followed close behind, his own release spilling forth as he collapsed beside the princess on the bed.
Jim then sat up, followed by Regina, who caressed his arm softly. She said: ‘Everything alright, my love?’ Jim looked in her eyes and said: ‘Forgive me, your majesty. I shouldn’t have dared to even think of such actions.’ With those words, James grabbed his clothes and disappeared swiftly, leaving Regina on her own once again.
Sir Simon was in the tavern with his friend’s page Mathew. They were good friends and the page told the knight about his encounter with princess Martha the other day. Simon said: ‘Oh, dear boy. She fancies you for sure. You should make the most of it.’ Mathew said: ‘B…but…I have never…’ Simon cut him off saying: ‘Oh, such a silly boy, you are. The princess doesn’t have anything to compare it to. She certainly won’t mind if there are some minor issues. As long as it is pure and gentle.’ With that, Simon’s glance travelled towards one of the maidens at the bar.
He’s been watching her for quite some time now and he was always happy to see her. She started walking towards their table, carrying two chalices and a pitcher with wine. She said: ‘Serve yourselves, dear sires.’ Simon’s hand grabbed her arm as she was leaving and he got up. He said softly: ‘I haven’t caught your name yet, young lady.’ The woman bowed to the knight and said: ‘Beatrice, my lord.’ Simon said: ‘Tell me, Beatrice, a woman of such beauty must be surely betrothed. To some man of nobility and wealth, I suppose.’ Beatrice smiled and said: ‘I am not, sire. And it is quite daring to ask a lady such a question.’
She left and Simon sat back. He glanced at her one more time, before saying: ‘There goes tonight for me. But you still have a chance. Just maybe don’t talk to her like that.’ Mathew smiled and took a sip of wine from his chalice.
As the night progressed, Simon, strengthened by the wine, called Beatrice to the table once more. He said: ‘Beatrice, look…I am sorry for my daring behaviour. I am sure you can forgive me.’ Beatrice raised one of her eyebrows and then said: ‘Sire I am not a toy for you to play with. If you want to lay with somebody tonight, there is a brothel nearby just down the road. You will surely find someone there.’ Simon got up once again and said: ‘But they are not half as beautiful and charming as you are, M’lady.’ Simon pulled her in and kissed her. As Beatrice woke from the shock, she pushed him away, slapping him hard across his face.
‘Is there a problem?’ Simon heard as another knight came to them, clearly trying to protect Beatrice. She said: ‘No, not a problem, Sir Oliver. Thank you. I sorted this out already.’ And left. Simon said: ‘May I know your name, oh protector of chastity?’ and Mathew said: ‘Simon, leave it. He’s not worth it.’ Sir Oliver laughed and said: ‘And that is coming from a page! Look at yourself. You couldn’t even hold a sword, considering you’re not even old enough to wipe milk off your chin.’ Simon said in a low, growly voice: ‘Do not talk to my friend like that.’ And got closer to the other knight. He said: ‘I asked for your name.’ Sir Oliver laughed in his face, filling Simon up with true rage now. He hit the knight in the face and it send him to the ground, but he quickly stood up.
Simon was notorious for his experience in weapon-less combat and Sir Oliver didn’t stand a chance. After a few moments, he stood up, facing Simon and saying: ‘My name is Sir Oliver, my lord.’ And left the tavern, wiping his own blood off his mouth.
Simon sat back down behind the table and drank a bit of wine, continuing to talk to his friend, noticing that Beatrice’s glances suddenly became more and more frequent.
Sir Laurence  was standing outside of the prince’s chamber, as the prince had called for him. He took a deep breath and entered the chamber, his mind filled with his emotions fighting against one another. On one side it was his love for prince, whom he knew he couldn’t have. On the other side it was memories of Sir Roderick. The man, who promised him to meet him again.
As the knight entered the chamber, the image of the prince hit him hard. He was laying on his royal bed, his back leaning against the massive headboard of the bed and a book in his hands. His eyes were so buried in the story, that it took a few seconds for him to realise, that the knight was already there.
He closed the book and said: ‘Sir Laurence , you’re here!’ and put the book away. Laurence got down on one knee and looked at the floor. The prince, opening his gown, said: ‘My friend, no need for formalities here.’ And Sir Laurence got up, looking at his future king.
The prince smiled and said: ‘Are you just gonna stand there?’ Sir Laurence said: ‘With all due respect, sire, I am not a concubine.’ The prince got up and walked over to the other man, placing his hands on Laurence’s  cheeks. He said: ‘But you could be mine.’ Sir Laurence couldn’t resist as the prince’s lips met his, the storm in his mind calmed slightly by the lust building within him.
The prince said: ‘Tell me, Laurence, is there a possibility for two men to share a full intimate moment?’ Laurence looked in the prince’s eyes and said: ‘Yes, indeed sire. But it takes time and communication. More than with a woman I’m afraid.’ The prince said: ‘Can we do it?’ and Laurence said: ‘Definitely not, sire. It is too risky here.’ Ben said: ‘Right, I understand. Kiss me, then.’ And Laurence slammed his lips against prince’s.
Later the knight left and prince called his advisor to his chamber. He said: ‘James, my dear friend. I wish to summon Sir Roderick this evening once again. We are leaving after sunset.’ James nodded and went to get the disguises ready.
As they tied their horses by the tavern, the prince was unable to contain his feelings and rushed into the tavern. His eyes landed on the knights’ table immediately.
As his gaze met Sir Laurence’s, his smile showed the prince exactly, how much he missed him. The knight shouted: ‘Sir Roderick! Come join us, my friend!’ and Ben smiled.
As the two men were sitting near, Laurence had to contain himself and not touch the knight beside him. He always glanced at him and had eyes only for him. He then whispered in his ear: ‘Sire, it is not too late yet. Perhaps if you were willing, we could share my home tonight.’ Roderick smiled and said: ‘That would be a wonderful idea, Larry.’ And Laurence’s heart jumped from excitement.
The prince turned to his companion, James, and said: ‘My friend, leave me now. I shall return soon.’ James’ eyes widened and he said: ‘Sire, I cannot do that. I have to take care of you.’ Sir Simon said: ‘Surely this brave night, can defend himself, right?’ and Ben looked at him with pleading eyes. He pulled him aside and whispered: ‘Jim, please. I will explain it later. Just leave now.’ James sighed and said: ‘Sire, if anything happens, I will not forgive myself.’ Ben placed a hand on his shoulder and said: ‘I’ll be fine. You are a good man, my friend. You are like a brother to me.’ And hugged the advisor.
James actually left and Laurence placed his hand on Sir Roderick’s leg, making Ben look in his eyes. Laurence whispered in his ear: ‘I cannot contain myself any longer, sire, shall we go, now?’ Ben nodded and Larry got up. He said: ‘Simon, my friend. I wish not to be disturbed tonight. We have rather important stuff to talk about with Sir Roderick, here.’
Sir Simon almost choked on his drink as he heard Sir Laurence say the words. He said: ‘Right. Talk.’ Laurence slapped Simon’s shoulder and he let out a slight chuckle. Laurence said: ‘This way, my lord.’ And pointed towards the door. Ben said: ‘What about the bill, Sir Laurence?’ and Larry smirked, saying: ‘Oh, don’t worry, Roderick. It’s been already taken care of.’ And they left the tavern.
As Sir Simon stayed seated in the page Mathew’s presence, he couldn’t help but glance at Beatrice again. Their glances met and she smiled at Sir Simon, stirring his guts as she did. Sir Simon pointed at an empty pitcher and Beatrice nodded. She brought another one and Simon said: ‘What a beautiful lady you are.’ Beatrice just smiled and placed the pitcher on the table, taking the empty one with her. Simon followed her to the bar and said: ‘Lady Beatrice, I am truly sorry if my words had offended you in any way and I would be more than glad to make it up to you. If there is a possibility.’ Beatrice looked at him with her gorgeous eyes in the colour of fresh amber that comes out of a tree once it’s cut.
She said: ‘I am no lady, my lord. Maybe you should pay more attention to the noble women instead.’ Simon got closer to her and grabbed her water-soaked hand. He kissed it and said: ‘M’lady, I very much doubt there is a noble woman in this world with eyes as piercing as yours and smile heart-warming as yours.’ Beatrice chuckled and Simon said: ‘Lady, may I perhaps offer a horse ride through the moon-enlightened forest tonight?’ Beatrice sighed and said: ‘Sire, I am afraid I cannot share your imagines.’ She took another pitcher and started to walk towards another table. Simon stopped her, by placing his hands on her hips and turning her around swiftly, yet gently. He placed the pitcher on a table nearby after he’s taken it from her hand and said: ‘Ma’am, I mean no harm to you. All that is in my mind is a simple horse ride. Time spent alone in your presence is the only one of my imagines I would love to make come true.’ Beatrice smiled and said: ‘Alright then. If you promise to be innocent with me, I shall join you tonight.’ Simon smiled and said: ‘I promise, M’lady. I will be on my best behaviour, oh most marvellous of creatures.’ And kissed her hand again.

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