Chapter Sixteen

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[Kellen's P.O.V.]

It took us a while, but at last Luke and I found a coffee shop, and are now sat opposite one another in a booth in the corner of the shop, next to the large window, chuckling at our mutual love for caramelattes and espressos - both of which we had a hard time choosing between, and eventually bought one of each. Saves some bother afterwards, right?

"So, we're..." I smile. "We're half-brother and -sister?"

"Yeah." Luke smiles down at his cup, shaking his head. "I can hardly get my head around it. I mean, I've always known I have a sister and brother, but I've never thought to question it. Maybe I should have, whilst I'd had the chance. Then we could've met sooner."

"Whilst you had the chance? What do you mean?" I ask, suddenly curious. I take another drink of my coffee, before looking up at Luke. My brother...all this time... Well, half-brother, but same difference...

Well, when I was 16, mum left. She had a complete breakdown, eventually said she'd had enough. She claimed to be going away for a few days, just a quick break. But she never did come back." I blink in surprise. Oh my god... "I eventually went to stay with the guys - Kier managed to get a flat, and we'd joked about moving in, all of us lot under one roof. Thanks to Kier, we did."

I smile slightly. Awwh, bless. "Mum just...ran off?" I can't believe...she just left?

"Yeah. She was always a little mad after we moved to London."

I'm more than just a little interested than before at the mention of her being mad. "What do you mean, she was a 'little mad'?"

"She would sit in the bathroom and talk to herself. She used to scare me when I was younger, saying she wanted to introduce me her voices. And..." He sighs, and then meets my gaze. "Our brother, Adam," I wince slightly at the sound of his name, still a sensitive subject after all these bloody years, "will I be able to meet him? Mum used to talk about him all the time, and a few times she claimed to be talking to him. I...I used to think he was dead, and she was seeing his ghost, but then I grew up and told myself that she was just insane."

My grip tightens around my cup, and my eyes brim with tears which I quickly blink away. "He...he is."

Luke seems confused. "Huh?"

"Adam is dead." I whisper, eyes fixated upon the cream in my cup. "He...died when I was eight."

"Oh my god." Luke gapes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't did he...I mean, was he ill? Or..."

"I don't think he was. He just...told me he was going to a better place." I don't tell Luke that our brother killed himself. How could I ever break that to him gently? Or without breaking down, for that matter?

"He knew he was going to die?" Luke guessed.

I shrug. "I guess he planned it." I hook my pinkie fingers together, remembering the promise I had to make. I promised Adam that I wouldn't let my dad take my life from me, too.

But, just like every other promise I've ever made since Adam died...well, take a wild guess, why don't you.

"He..." Luke shakes his head, refusing to finish. "Never mind." Everything goes quiet for a moment, and then he smiles again. "So...what about you? I want to know more about my little sister."

I paste a smile on my face, shrugging. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Luke grins widely.

Everything, eh? "Well. I hit puberty later than everyone else in my year. I was a day late this month-"

"Maybe not everything!" Luke grimaces, covering his ears. I smile sweetly, and he rolls his eyes. "You going to be serious now?"

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