Chapter Forty-Seven

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[Kier's P.O.V.]

"She'll wake up soon. And even if she doesn't, I'll still be here." My eyes never leave her pallid face, never tear away from the beautiful girl lying in a hospital bed before me. I squeeze her hand gently again, feeling self-loathing rushing through me.

If I hadn't fallen asleep, she wouldn't be here! I would've been there to calm her down, see if she was alright, make sure she didn't do this to herself! But instead, she could die, and it'll be all my fault. All my fault she's here. All my fault she's felt the way she has. All my fault she's going to die - again.

I see Kellen's lips twitch up in a subtle, slight smile, and blink in surprise, for a second wondering if I'm seeing things. But after a moment of wondering, I come to the conclusion that my mind is just playing tricks on me, and dismiss the idea of her being able to smile, or even her waking up.

"Ah, bless." Laurence smiles; I can see the sad smile cross his features, and in an instant feel extremely guilty. It's so painfully obvious how I feel about Kellen, isn't it? And yet I'm betraying my best mate, who's dating her. He has a right to be upset; who wouldn't be, if they were in Laurence's position?

Then again, I'm feeling guilty and all...and yet we all walked in on he and Quincy who's really the guilty one here?, it's a stupid idea...I mean, Laurence and Kellen would never try to trick me or anything, especially when they both seriously seemed to like each other. Which leads me to...

"Why on earth were you two kissing," I ask Laurence suspiciously, "when you're meant to be dating Kellen?"

Laurence smiles sadly, then looks down at the floor, looking solemn as ever. "You see, that's the thing. Uhm...I guess I've got a lot of explaining to do."

"What do you mean?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow and feeling suddenly curious. What does he have to explain? Has he been hiding something? Is something going on I don't know about?

"Well, Kellen and I, we...we were never actually dating." I'm suddenly confused. What were they doing then? Were they 'friends with benefits', or...? "It was all...well, fake. To make you realise that you really do like Kellen. But then you went and dragged Olli into it all, and well...then I kind of...I kind of really like Kellen, and I didn't mean to kiss Quincy, and-"

"You mean to tell me," I growl, teeth tightly gritted, "that all this time you've been lying to me? That...that you and Kellen weren't actually dating, you were just...pretending?"

"Yes." Laurence sighs. I notice how upset Quincy looks as she edges slightly further away from Laurence, but I don't comment on it - I'm too bloody angry to worry about anyone else right now.

"Why the fuck did you not tell me?! This all wouldn't have happened if you'd just told me the fucking truth!" I push to my feet quickly, the chair I was sitting on clattering backwards and onto the floor. My hands ball up into fists as I scowl down at the guy who's meant to be my best friend, anger flooding through me.

"Kier, please, just listen-"

"No! For fucks sake, Laur, you lied to me! Made me think that the girl I love would rather be with my best mate than with me!"

"Love?" Olli squeaks from where she's stood in the doorway with Jack. I open my mouth to speak, but she turns on her heel quickly, rushing off before I can say or do anything.

"Way to go, casanova." Jack mutters, shaking his head and looking disappointed in me, before turning and rushing off after Olli. Great. I've put Kellen I'm hospital, pissed off my mates, and now I've upset Olli. I'm such a charismatic bastard, ain't I?

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