Chapter Fifty-Three

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[Kellen's P.O.V.]

It's a long while before Kier and I decide to surface from the bedroom, and even so it's already dark outside, and there seem to be a few absences. I slink back into the front room, trying not to grin from ear to ear as I drop onto the sofa between the two Lukes. My brother rolls his eyes and chuckles, and Jack and Will grin over at me. Everyone else just wolf-whistles, which makes me flush an even deeper shade of red - well, "everyone else" excluding Olli who is silent, and Laurence and Quincy who are just AWOL, of course.

"Have fun, did you?" Red-haired Luke nudges me playfully, grinning. I flush an even deeper shade of scarlet.


Kier chooses this moment to wander into the front room, his dark shirt hanging open and revealing his bare torso, his jeans hanging precariously low, his hair a tousled mess and his face painted with a huge and cocky grin. "Oh yeah, we had fun."

"Kier!" I hiss, shooting him a Look. He just winks, before dropping onto the floor next to Drew and Shane, who give him a hearty cheer.

"What? We did!" Kier laughs, and then yawns, glancing around the room. "Where'd Laur and Quincy go? Off shagging, eh?"

"Kier. Just because you got laid doesn't mean everyone else did, too." Jack rolls his eyes, and Drew nods in agreement.

"Yeah, we can't all be that lucky-"

"Shaddup Wooly, and go have phone sex with Alyx if you're really that desperate." Even though he sounds so serious, Kier is grinning from ear to ear as he speaks.

"Laurence went out for a walk. Seemed pretty upset. Quincy went with him." Shane sighs. "Don't know what's been upsetting him, but he wouldn't tell us anyway. Just said he needed time to think."

And now you've driven Laurence to do something stupid, right?

I glance towards the other side of the room to see Olli is still silent, staring at the floor, and Jack seems to be desperately trying to cheer her up.

That's your fault, too. She's meant to be your best friend. Hope you're bloody happy.

"Kellen!" Drew screeches, breaking me out of my reverie. "Gimme your seat!" I shrug, pushing to my feet and gesturing for him to take me seat, and then cross the room, proceeding to drop onto the wooden flooring beside Kier. Instead of sitting next to him, however, Kier grabs my wrist, tugging me down roughly, and I drop onto his lap with an unattractive thud that's surely left him winded for a moment, and probably in some kind of crotch-related pain from my not-so-dainty weight.

"You feeling alright?" He asks me after a moment, cupping my face gently. I nod, but he hardly seems convinced. "Really? You can tell me if something's wrong, Kell."

"I know. I know what it is already." I tap the side of my head slightly in a slight indication as to what my problem is, and he nods at that, before leaning in and whispering in my ear.

"I was going to ask you this earlier, but I figured I might as well ask now. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I jump back slightly to meet his gaze, seeing the grin on his face. "I...I...yes!" I grin, practically pouncing on him as my lips crash against his.

No! What are you playing at?! You'll only cause more trouble you bitch!

I pull back from his kiss after a long and (thanks to the voices) semi-blissful moment, grinning down at him.

I dare you to look at Olli. See what you've done. You little freak.

I turn and look towards the others, hearing them all wolf-whistle and laugh, and I instinctively flush red. Then I hazard a look towards Olli, seeing her staring down at the floor, unresponsive, unmoving, only shaking her head slowly.

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