Chapter Twenty-Six

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[Kier’s P.O.V.]

“Your bill.” Some stuck-up guy behind the desk in the reception tells us, pushing a sheet of paper towards us. I read over it quickly, and then gape, my face draining of colour. That’s a fuckin’ four-digit number…we hit a four-digit number…

“You’re kidding, right?” I can’t pay that! And I doubt any of the others can!

“I’m afraid not, sir. There were some…damages to the room, the expenses of the damage were added to your bill at the last minute.”

Oh my god… “Guys, dig around in your pockets, get some money out.” Here was me thinking this was meant to be a cheap hotel…

So, after paying a hefty four-digit sum between us, scraping the bottoms of pockets and wallets desperately, we all bundle into the van, promising to drop Olli and Quincy off, seeing as they ended up crashing in the hotel room last night, and to drop Alyx at her aunt’s, seeing as she’s still kind of staying with her aunt here in Glasgow.

“This is why you don’t trash a hotel room.” Mitch hisses from her dark little corner. “Thanks to you, we won’t have any money for travelling. Thanks a bunch, idiot.”

“Hey, you took part in it! It wasn’t just me that messed up that room – it was all of us-“

“It was your idea!” Mitch snaps. “You suggested that we destroy the room-“

“Did I force you to take part?! ‘Course I didn’t! Don’t blame me! Besides, I was keeping a total of what I would have to pay when I was destroying shit!”

“Until you threw the TV out the window!” Mitch yells.

I grin. “And the chair. Mustn’t forget the chair.”

“You broke the window-frame, Kier.” Laurence laughs from the passenger seat. “Can you blame her for thinking it’s your fault we had to pay so much?”

“Yeah, you are a bit destructive.” Olli grins. She, Quincy and Kellen are sat on the bottom “bunk” in our van, just watching the strange exchange between the lot of us as they blame me for destroying the fuckin’ room. It’s not like I destroyed the place myself, they all did their fair share! So why is it only me that’s getting into shit for it?!

“Damn right I am.” I wink over at the black-and-red-haired girl, and she quickly flushes red, giggling to herself. I never thought I’d see the day when I socialised with my own fangirls, but then again there’s a first for everything right? Besides, I’m kinda liking the attention.

“Kier, you pervert, stop flirting!” Mitch snaps, throwing a bag at me. I catch the backpack in a two-handed grip quickly, grunting as I realise how heavy it is, and then grin cockily over at my twin.

“What you gonna do ‘bout it, eh? I’m bigger than you.”

“I’m responsible for you!” She scowls over at me.

“How come you’re responsible for me?”

“I’m the more responsible twin! It’s my duty to keep you in line!” Mitch snaps. I snort.

“You. Responsible. Really?” At that, I crack up. Just the thought is enough to bring me to painful hysterics, and I clutch my side as I laugh. Mitch Kemp, responsible!

After a while, Luke stops the van, and tells Alyx that we’re at her aunt’s place – we’ve only been here once, after the Kerrang! Tour, and it was a nice enough place. Her aunt’s a nice woman, don’t get me wrong, but I’d rather not go inside. It seems the others have the same thought, speaking about the time we have to get back to London, and how we don’t want to get home too late. We all cringe and complain about how disgusting Drew and Alyx are being as they gnaw on each other’s faces like rabid wolves or something, and then Alyx grabs her stuff, making us promise that we’ll phone her as soon as we get back to London. At that, she closes the van door over, rushing back up the path. It’s a shame we never really see her, maybe during the summer when she goes to festivals with us to do some gig photography and some reviews for her job, and when we tour here she makes sure to get some proper photography done for us, but other than we never really get to see her. Shame, she’s been a mate of mine for years, since she first moved to London in our senior year, about five or six years ago, and Mitch kind of…adopted her.

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