hello grandpa

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We apparated into an old looking shack. I pushed Mattheo off of me and vomited on the floor. I had never been magicked around like that before. He gave me a tissue and, resentfully, I took it. I looked around the old shack, it looked abandoned. This place was cold and the smell of vomit filled my nose. There was a familiar crest on the wall, some shelves and a piano. I walked around a bit and saw a pile of dead mice lying on the floor. Who would do that? Wait, that crest on the wall... - I know where we are.

'Could you tell me why you brought me to the Gaunt shack? Also what were you thinking yelling my name in the middle of a fucking attack? I was about to risk my life for you thinking you were my father or something!' I looked at Mattheo. He had blood on his clothes and hands. He wasn't wounded for as far as I could see. Did he hurt someone? Did he kill someone? He looked calm, almost the image of serenity. My head hurt, adrenaline was still pumping through my veins. I wanted to punch him so badly for not letting me know what would happen. My family was now in danger, he could have prevented that. Mattheo frowned after seeing the anger building up in my eyes.

'Calm down princess, maybe a thank you for saving your life will do?'

'I had saved my life on my own until YOU started screaming like a baby! You could have warned me about the attack you know. That way you wouldn't even have to "save me"!' He rolled his eyes.

'We're here because we need to retrieve something together. It wasn't my idea so don't complain.' He turned around and went for the door. What is wrong with him? He kidnapped me to retrieve something? Maybe if he had warned me about the murder fest his father's henchmen were going to have, I would have gone with him if he said 'please'. But why me and why here and now? What did we need to retrieve?

'We're retrieving something? Can I ask what it is? You know, to know what to look for.'

'I don't think you want to know, princess.' He sounded honest but I still was curious.

'I'm guessing I don't really have a choice but to go along?'

'Ten points to slytherin.' Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. Mattheo opened the door for me and smirked as I passed him. 

'Just shut up.'

'I didn't say anything.' 

It was misty and cold outside. We seemed to be in the middle of a forest. In about 1 minute, we found a graveyard. One of those old ones full of statues and buried secrets. Mattheo took a shovel out of his pocket and went inside. He is going to dig up a grave? Is he insane!? I hurried to follow him and entered the graveyard. As soon as I stepped inside I was hit by a thicker mist. A very bad feeling crawled up my spine and I shivered. The atmosphere had shifted. This place was creeping up on me, like I was being watched by too many eyes. It was really cold all of a sudden. I hurried to not lose Mattheo in the mist.

'Do you really think it's a good idea to dig up a person in a graveyard like this?' I asked him concerned. He smiled.

'Do you think it to be a good idea to dig up a person in a graveyard not like this?' I could see his breath fogging up in the air.

'You know what I mean! This place is all gargoyles and dark spirits. I don't want to get haunted or something.' I folded my arms up trying to warm up a bit.

'We're not digging up just anyone. We're digging up my granddad.' He laughed at the face that I made. His laugh sounded almost cruel. 'Ah, there he is! Y/n, don't look so nervous meeting your future family. I'm sure he will absolutely adore you.' He looked as if he was really enjoying himself and I watched in horror as Mattheo started digging up that man. Why would we need his grandpa? THINK Y/N! I had no clue as to why this was happening. But soon enough I heard a thump: the casket. 'Hello, grandpa. You know, I could use some help down here.' his voice had a nonchalant tone, as if he did this on the regular. Which, I realised, was probably true. 'I'm good.' I replied.'Bombarda!' a little explosion happened. 'Are you ok?' No answer. That's probably not a good sign. I went up to the grave and saw Mattheo ripping off the arm of a half decomposed corpse. He was smiling. What kind of monster smiled while doing that? I felt sick in the stomach. Malaise building up inside of me. 

Slytherins queen to be - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now