the unexpected

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The plan was to go to the dungeons and cause a bit of chaos. I needed a victim, someone who would need help from a prefect. There was going to be a first year wandering around somewhere. When I found one I would use the bee-sting jinx on them to make the kid all swollen and sad looking. Obviously, the prefect would get informed and take the student to the medical wing. 

I was just speaking the last words of my jinx when a prefect turned the corner. This was it, the end of me. The first year was already starting to swell, I was caught red handed. This prefect's face was turning 15 different shades of purple. I think he was too stunned to start yelling or chase me but I had already turned and ran away as fast as possible. I don't really have great stamina at all so my breath was already quickening. I turned left, into a darker hallway and left again passing several paintings telling me to stop running. In a mirror I could see the angry prefect behind me. He had caught on quick, too quick. His dark cloak waving behind him making this all even more scary. I turned right and then left again. Maybe my plan hadn't worked out but I could still get this prefect away from the common room and stairwell. My heart was pounding and I started to feel nauseous. I fucking hate running. 

As if the universe knew I needed a place to rest and hide forever, a door appeared out of nowhere. It just spawned onto the wall. It was made out of dark oak and looked oddly fancy. I quickened my pace and slammed open the door. 

The second I waltzed into what seemed to be a stockroom, its heavy doors sealed shut behind me. The room I had entered was dimly lit but I couldn't find any light source. There were no windows or candles. I couldn't say how big the room was because my sight was blocked by rows upon rows of shelves with random stuff. I had stopped running and just doubled over, trying to catch my breath. This place was comforting and smelled like spring at the Manor. I wanted to be suspicious of the convenience of this place but I just couldn't. I was still panting but decided to explore my newfound safe haven. The walls were made out of the same greyish stone as the rest of the castle but the floor was, strangely, made of wood. It made my footsteps form a hollow echo through this room that seemed to have no ending. The shelves in this place held I think every object you can imagine and didn't know you might have needed. 

I was holding a potion that looked as if it contained a hundred tiny worms when I heard another pair of footsteps. I was so startled I almost dropped the flask. I was very thankful I hadn't. Not that I was in the wrong for being here, I hoped. The sound of footsteps was now becoming increasingly louder and the realisation hit me that the second I moved, I would be uncovered.

I was about to take off my shoes but a person from behind me grabbed me. One hand around my waist the other pressed hard on my mouth so that I wouldn't make a sound. How had I not noticed this bastard? Wait, why can't I hear my own footsteps? The person that had grabbed me had enchanted the floor so that it wouldn't make any sound, interesting. I got pulled behind a stack of rusty cauldrons and books that smelled of cigars. The person that grabbed me was clearly bigger and more sure of themself, which meant that me elbowing them was a surprise attack and way more effective than it should have been. 

'Ow! Fucking bitch. Can't you see I'm helping you?' This was the first time I had seen the person that had, quite rudely, dragged me down behind a shelf. Of course it was Mr. Mattheo Riddle. He was wearing his uniform without a tie. He was also clearly alloyed at me. 'You!' I whisper yelled back. 'What are you doing here?' 

The footsteps that kept getting louder were now starting to sound rather weird. I could hear the first footstep clearly but the second came with the knock of cane or something. Mattheo gave me a look that told me to shut up. I rolled my eyes and looked through the rack to catch a glimpse of the person we were hiding from. Mattheo did the same. The person entering my sight was professor Moody. He looked unwell and was violently shaking. Is he having some kind of seizure? I was getting up to help the poor man but then he started to change. He shrank, his hair got darker and his big frame slimmed down so that his clothes became too big on him. My professor dropped the wooden staff he was clinging on to as the magical eye detached from his head. His face started to change. Nose got slimmer, wrinkles and scars disappeared, and suddenly I recognised the lunatic of a man that disguised himself as a professor. It was none other than Barty (short for Bartemius) Crouch Junior, son of Bartemius Crouch a man that worked in the Ministry of Magic with my uncle. Barty jr. was a known supporter of the dark lord and currently frantically looking through his bag. He then pulled out two flasks and drank them at the same time. The effect was instant, his shacking stopped and he looked almost high. The intruder picked up his staff and eye and started walking to the door. He started changing form again, after a few seconds he was back to being my professor. He left the room while putting his eye back. 

Slytherins queen to be - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now