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I decided that the only way I could have some closure was to deliver the potion in person. So, I was now waiting for Terrence outside of the DADA classroom with a big box of lovely chocolates, literally. 

Our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor was absolutely bonkers. Alastor Moody or Mad eye Moody was the most famous Auror of all time. He probably filled half the cells in Azkaban. Alongside all of his greatness came the fact that he was out of his mind. The reason he got his nickname was because he had replaced one of his eyes, his right one, with a magical one that gave him more advantages. He was large for a man and always walked around with a long staff. He was constantly paranoid and sneaking around, he even repelled a first year who wanted an autograph last week. In my opinion he wasn't all bad, just worse than we were used to. 

It was quite cold in this wing of the castle and the waiting was becoming increasingly annoying. Finally, people started exiting the classroom. Terrence was one of the last ones.

'Terrence! Hey, wait for me!' Terrence cocked his head around to see who was talking to him, a big smirk landed on his face when he realised it was me. Quickly he fell back to wait for me.

'Y/n, what a nice surprise. I knew you didn't really mean all of those times you declined my offer to date. What's that, chocolate?' I had made my way over to him and pushed the box into his hands.

'They are homemade! I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. I didn't realise what I was doing turning you down over, and over, and over, and over again. I really do want to go on a date.' I looked up with a little smile. He was looking more victorious than ever. Great.

'Enjoy the chocolates, love!' I patted him on the shoulder, realised how weird that was, turned and left as fast as I could. Terrence laughed to himself as I made my way to the end of the corridor. I stopped just around the corner and peeked into the corridor to see Terrence open the box. The way Pansy had enchanted it was super clever. Since you fall in love with the first person you see when consuming a love potion, Pansy had hidden a picture of Astoria onto the cover of the box, she used a reveal charm on it and delayed the effects. Speaking of, it was about time the effect should kick in...

'ASTORIA! ASTORIA GREENGRASS! I LOVE YOU!!' Shut up! Why is he screaming? Merlin's beard, it would be a miracle if Mad eye won't come out of his classroom to see what the fuss was all about. Terrence stormed out of the corridor almost tripping over his own feet. It looked like Pansy might have put a little bit too much of the potion in the bonbons although the shop owner did say it was a strong love potion. 'The weather is lovely today, just like my lovely Astoriaaaa!' Terrence sang that last part with a chest voice that was rather nice. I didn't know he could sing. Also the weather wasn't lovely, it was cold and wet. I reached into my pocket and pulled out some sleeping drops I made in class the day before. I screwed the lid off the small purple stained glass bottle.

'Hey loverboy! I'll help you find Astoria.' Terrence jumped a little, just noticing me.

'Y/n! Oh, lovely to see you, you'll bring me to Astoriaaaaa?' He looked all giddy, I almost felt bad for the sucker.

'Yes. Open your mouth for a moment.' He did without questioning me. 'Good now swallow.' I had dropped a few droplets into Terrence's mouth. Two seconds later he was caught in a deep sleep, on the floor. He'd wake in about 30 minutes which was enough time for me to transport him to Pansy. The only problem was that other people would find it strange if I was dragging an unconscious body through the hallways of Hogwarts. I pulled out my wand.

'Wingardium Leviosa'


I was now walking around with a flying Terrence Higgs. Luckily, Pansy was going to meet me at some corridor nearby. The plan wasn't to make him sleep but more just to walk him over there but I couldn't risk him screaming about how 'lovely Astoria is' in front of the office of professor Moody. It was only a two minute walk. I feared some of the students that left DADA were still around and would be annoyingly nosy. Terrence was mumbling something in his sleep but seemed peaceful.

People tend to not look up which would now be my advantage. I made Terrence float so high he almost touched the 10 meter high ceiling with the tip of his nose. If I break focus, he will die of fall damage. I sighed and tried not to think much of the image of Terrence's dead body adding a third colour to the checkered tile floor with his bodily fluids.

Turning the corner I heard girls laughing. A bunch of hufflepuffs were standing in the hall, they looked quite young. I sent Terrence first, without the girls noticing anything. I followed, walking on the other side of the hall, trying to draw the least amount of attention to me as possible. I probably looked extremely sketchy to anyone that glanced at me but I made it to the next hallway.

The coast was clear and I lowered Terrence while turning right to the corridor where Pansy would be. There she was. Pansy looked stressed, a red blush had formed across her cheeks even tho it was cold in this corridor. There weren't any windows, which is why it was so unpopular.

'Pansy! I made it.' Pansy cocked her head up, clearly, I startled her. She wiped her slightly overgrown bangs out of her face and made her way over to me.

'Where is Terrence? Oh! Y/n, why is he floating?' I lowered Terrence to the ground and stopped the levitating charm.

'He was so loud! In the middle of the hall, in front of the office of professor Moody. I didn't know what to do but walking around with a boy that is half delirious wasn't an option. How much did you put into those chocolates?' Pansy tried to suppress a grin but failed miserably. I looked down at her to look her in the eye but the second we made eye contact she busted out in laughter.

'I'm sorry! It's just. Hahahahahaaaaaa! I put in twice the normal dose for some drama. Gahahahaha you actually made him float!' Pansy was doubled over from laughing.

'Pans I get that that's very funny but euhm... well we still kind of need to get him to wake up and go to Astoria.' I felt kind of awkward because when I came to think of it, it was a bit of an extreme solution to the problem. Oh well. Pansy scraped her throat and smoothed out her uniform.

'Right, yes, of course. So do you have any Wideye on you?' I smiled while reaching into my bag to fetch it. 'I do believe that we will only need a little bit because I only gave the boy a few drops.' I tossed the potion to Pansy.

'I'll hold him still and you do the potion.' Pansy kneeled down behind his head, pulled him a bit closer until his head was off the ground and opened him mouth. Pansy gave him two drops of my potion. I gave Pansy a look for approval. She lowered his head and dusted off her legs after getting off of the floor.

'That will do the trick, I suppose. How long do we have until our next class?' Terrence started to wake and mumbled something incomprehensible.

'About 20 minutes. Astoria is supposed to leave ancient runes with her friends and head for the common room.' Pansy nodded in agreement. We were on the north side, ground level which meant that Pansy was going to transport Terrence to the stairwell and wait for the Greengrass sisters there.

'Will you help me get this idiot back onto his feet?'

'You take the right arm I'll take left.' I talked over to the left side of Terrence, squatted down and grabbed his arm.




Together, we lifted the boy to his feet. Pansy took his arm and placed it over her shoulders so that he could find support and not fall over like a puppy that's just learning how to stand.

'You'll be fine, right Pans?'

'Why wouldn't I be? This is going to work. You need to make sure no prefects are around the stairwell tho, so you better hurry.' Pansy gave me a big smile and an encouraging nod. I nodded back and started walking down the corridor, straight to a secret passageway Draco and I discovered in our second year.

Slytherins queen to be - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now