Some Backstory

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Eddie, and Lucy always kept in touch. He told her about Shannon, and then when he and Shannon had Christopher. It wasn't always as frequent, but she was always there to listen. Same goes for Eddie to Lucy whenever she had things going on. It had been easy for Lucy to give advice when needed, due to her parents being therapists. Eddie was a shoulder for lucy when everything happened with getting trapped in a barrel and dying, For Lucy Eddie was the brother she never had. It meant a lot to her, especially with her weird family dynamic with her dad not being her actual dad. For Eddie it was great to have Lucy; she was like another sister to him, he wished he had more family closer to him after he moved to LA.

Christopher had loved Lucy whenever she was around, he knew her as Aunt Lucy, when they first moved to LA was when he properly met her. It was after one of their annual meetups his dad and her would talk about work, but they always had time for him during them. He'd listen to his dad and 'aunt' talk, he remembered a lot of the talks on her part consisted of her T.O. Tim being mean that's all he really took from that. He always liked her because he could talk with both of them during the hang outs, or she would color with him or whatever he wanted. This was one of those meetups, "Aunt Lucy, guess what?" Chris was very excited very obviously. She turned to him, "What's up? You seem so excited". Eddie had a feeling he knew what his son was gonna say, and had a smile on his face. Chris with about as much excitement as a kid would have if someone said they could eat ice cream for breakfast he told Lucy, " Tomorrow me, dad, and Buck are going to a super cool museum!" Lucy looked at Chris with a smile, then at Eddie with a smirk. She looked back at Chris, "Ooh a museum? That sounds super cool." (This was a few years Prior to where the shows are at now so Chris is about 8-9)

After Chris became occupied with something else in the other room Lucy turned to Eddie. "So Buck is a pretty common constant." she says it in an almost questioning tone. Eddie Picks up on this, "Lucy what are you implying? Me and buck are just friends- nothing more, plus even if miraculously there's something going on he's straight." Eddie kinda laughs at his friend's comment. Lucy just looks at him with a smirk, "Yeahhhhhhh you're as crazy as me saying I Like Tim." (see what I did there) Their conversation went on back and forth with joking accusations that were half hearted. 

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