Jaws Of Life

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 Before the two stations ever properly (like a month or two before) met up Buck Gawking at a picture of Eddie In highschool, At that PTV concert he met Lucy. It was the picture of him and Lucy, Not the one with her ex. It showed the two of them Deep into their emo phase (the clothes, not the music. You never outgrow the music, It never leaves you) Eddie had black eyeliner on with a PTV shirt from that concert, and he had studded belts on and black skinny jeans. It was super funny because in the picture you could tell the two have the same exact outfit on. Lucy had the classic emo Haircut dyed black, and the classic staple racoon tail. Once Eddie realized what buck had he had a look of 'oh no', he knew it wasn't like they would think it's weird but he didnt feel like being teased. All you could hear was Hen "NO WAY" She laughed "Eddie Oh my god you had an emo phase?" With hen saying that it basically caught the attention of everyone else in the Firehouse. Buck looked at Eddie with a 'oops' type of look and Eddie couldn't help but smile. When Chim looked at the photo he joked "You met your twin- she looks super familiar though." Eddie turned to chim, "Well I mean she is a Police officer here in LA, at Mid Wilshire." Chim just made a face like oh cool.

A few weeks later due to a Criminal the Mid Wilshire station was following they worked with the 118 on a call. It was a call for a guy who was planning on bombing certain places in LA, they were at his workshop. They had metro go in first and the other officers followed, But something went wrong. The Guy had detonated a bomb, it was all a blur. Tim was fairly close to the blast and he had gotten trapped under rubble, he was unconscious and injured. Lucy was further away but she had gotten some cuts, and a broken leg from how she landed, but she wasnt unconscious because she was able to shield her head. All Lucy could think of was Tim, The tried to move but realized how Fucked up her leg was Luckily her adrenaline was going crazy. Eddie had seen the blast and he turned to Bobby waiting for his call, he was terrified for Lucy, For Everyone. They carefully headed inside. They were getting people out, Eddie Had gotten to Lucy. He got a splint for her leg, and he carried her out after assessing her to make sure no other injuries were too bad. She couldn't even answer him because she was sobbing, she was in shock. He was terrified for Lucy, and he felt horrible. Buck and Chim were the ones who Found Tim, He was probably the most Trapped. Buck had to lift things off of him, Chim had gotten him on something stable that they had access too. They carried him out as Lucy was about to get taken to a hospital and all she saw was tims face, and he was impaled with some sort of pole thing she couldn't even tell. Eddie had to close the ambulance doors so they could get her to a hospital. Throughout that whole thing Lucy surprisingly didn't lose any blood but she had a nasty break. Tim went into surgery, he was okay overall he was alive which was all that mattered to Lucy. Eddie had gone to visit Lucy to check on her. The shock had worn off. It was about a day when they finally let people visit Lucy, that's how bad it had been for her. "Hey Eddie" She said with a sorrowful tone in her voice, you could tell she was crying. "Hey Lucy, How are you doing? I heard Tim's gonna be okay." Eddie said with a soft spoken tone. She nodded. "Thank you guys, I heard it was Buck who got him out from the rubble in time. Thank you too, you saved me, you saved us." Lucy smiled. (What am I implying here, can you guess?)

Eddie looked at her "Wait are you-" Lucy nodded in response which ended up with a hug from Eddie. (Did you guess)

A Month or Two after this happened The stations met up, and with their family. Tim had profusely thanked Buck And Chimney, and of course thanked Eddie. Everyone had thanked everyone and they were having a good time. Eddie and Tim ended up in a conversation about Buck, Lucy, and Christopher, and having been in the military. Maddie and Lucy had been in a conversation. They were talking about Jee-Yun and basically fawning over her because babies, babies are adorable. Then Lucy was talking to Christopher and buck. It was overall a super good time for all of them. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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