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Buck had had another really messy breakup, another one that resulted in a removal of his couch. A couch that had been once again too uncomfortable, one he couldn't sleep on he was beginning to think it was his apartment. He never really felt at home in it, not like he did at the Diaz household. He was almost beginning to realize something until he heard his doorbell ring and the sound of keys. He knew who it was as the only one other than him who has keys anymore was Eddie, as he was staring at Natalia's set on his counter he didn't really feel upset she left. I mean he was upset, but it was just a weird feeling. Eddie had opened his door bringing beers. He wanted to try and cheer buck up after his friend's most recent breakup, and seeing as Christopher was with Lucy (he had been begging. Tamara was also there because why not) he figured to visit. "Hey Buck, I thought you might want some cheering up." he raised the case of beer up, he looked to where the couch should've been. "She took the couch huh." Buck looks at Eddie, "it's not like the couch was comfortable though." he had a halfhearted chuckle. Eddie had handed him a beer, as the night went on they had a conversation about relationships, currently past ones. Buck looked at Eddie, "What's weird is that I don't think I ever felt at home with any of them, I've only ever-" He paused, Buck finally realized it. The only one who he has ever felt at home with was Eddie. Now he's obviously liked who he has been with, and been attracted to them. But with Eddie it was different. While Buck had been having this realization Eddie was trying to get his attention, "Buck, Buck, Buck, Evan-" That had finally snapped Buck out of his mind- "Oh- sorry I lost my train of thought." Buck played it off, Eddie obviously knew he was lying but he wasn't gonna push.

Eventually Buck started getting weird around Eddie, and everyone noticed. Then when he and Eddie hung out he got confronted. "Buck, what has been going on with you? Are you okay?" Eddie was concerned and he honestly couldn't help but feel hurt. Buck just looked at him with hurt, and every word he wanted to say in his eyes. "Eddie." The two just looked at each other until Buck finally spoke up. "I've only ever felt at home with You Eddie, Not any of them, Not Natalia, Not Taylor, Not anyone. Sure I have been attracted to them, and liked them. But I have never not once felt the way I do with you with them. It's been eating away at me because You are My best friend.- I, I just can't screw that up." Buck couldn't even look at Eddie. Eddie just hugged Buck, He wanted him to feel safe, he wanted him to know. To Know he feels it back. "Evan" It kind of just slipped out Eddie's mouth. But he needed Him to know. Buck knew, and he never really liked anyone to call him that unless it was Maddie, and Eddie. After that they talked To Christopher. They wanted to make sure he was okay with them dating. Of course he was, Buck was like a second dad to him already and it made everyone happy. Eventually after a few weeks of the two being normal again everyone realized, Bobby and Hen realized first then everyone else. When Eddie told Lucy she was very vocal about it, "I KNEW IT!!" she had practically yelled as she was leaving work, they were on a call. Tim had given her a funny look with a laugh as they were leaving together. 

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