Fun Facts

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Eddie and Buck had been hanging out, just honestly sitting on their phones. It was after their usual habit of talking about life, they were just on the couch incase Christopher needed help with his homework in the other room. Eddie had been talking to Lucy (this is closer to the cannon time) they had been texting.

Lucy: Okay so I Mighhhhhht have started dating Tim...

Your T.O. Tim? Lucy, didn't you say that was crazy for you to like him? :Eddie

Lucy: Maybe but that was like 3- 4 years ago give or take, you can't blame me. Plusssss It was kind of set in stone for me after he literally brought me back to life sooooo.

Eddie had just laughed, "Oh my god she cannot be serious.'' He had a smile on his face because he's just teasing her, but she's honestly real for that. It's not like Tim was like her ex who weirdly had the same name as his son. Lucy had thought it was weird too, He kept on pointing out the walking red flags the guy had. Buck's interest was caught when Eddie started laughing, "what's so funny?" he asked with a smile. Eddie showed Buck the texts, "Lucy is my friend from way back, and for context Tim was her T.O." Buck chuckled, "So is she a Police officer? Also how come I never really heard of her?" he jokingly interrogated him. Eddie looked at him acting along with his friend's interrogation and rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Yeah she's a police officer, and I guess I just forgot to bring her into conversation. You guys would totally get along though." he thought the last part aloud. Buck smiles, "I get along with everyone Eddie." After that Eddie thought to himself to plan a hangout but everyone got super busy.

Lucy remembered when Eddie first came into conversation with Tim, It was before the pair started dating He had still been her T.O. "There's no way you don't have a really stupid story of how you broke a bone." It had been a slow day and she was having a conversation with Tim. "What do you even mean by stupid story? How stupid was your story?" Tim questioned. Lucy casually answered, " I was in highschool, in Texas visiting my girlfriend. Long story short, after leaving via the window I tripped and fell into a bush and broke my foot. I had to call my friend Eddie to help me get back to my aunt. That's also probably my weirdest breakup story too 'cause she ghosted me after that.- also funny story I had only met Eddie like 2 weeks prior at a concert me and my now ex girlfriend went to- were actually still friends." Tim just looked at her "The dumbest time I broke a bone was when I slipped at a pool- what, that was just really confusing." Tim was just really confused. Even after Lucy and Tim started dating She would talk about Eddie, She gave him some background but never went in depth. He was glad she had some sort of found family like everyone has in the station.

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