First day of school

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Today is my sweet 16th birthday and the day I begin my journey as a new student in a brand new school. As soon as I woke up, I hopped out of bed, got myself all set, and headed out the door.

As I walked into the school, I could sense the piercing gazes of everyone fixated on me. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I ventured into a room adorned with a sign that read "The Almighty Principal's Office" well.......maybe it just read "Principal's Office" but anyway I then settled myself comfortably in a chair then the principal, with an air of authority, enlightened me about the school's history and the  subjects I would be studying. He even mentioned that I would get to pick some exra classes later. Before bidding me farewell, he handed me a neatly printed document containing a comprehensive list of my classes along with their corresponding room numbers. Armed with this treasure map, I embarked on a quest to locate my very first class, eager to conquer the unknown.

Well, I finally found my first class and walked in and Well, wouldn't you know it, I found myself knee-deep in the world of Science, the one subject that always manages to make me break out in a cold sweat. I feel like I've been chosen as the universe's personal punching bag, throwing me into the deep end of the scientific pool when I can barely doggy paddle. But hey, who knows, maybe this time around I'll finally crack the code and become a science whiz. Or maybe I'll just end up accidentally setting something on fire in the lab again. Oh well I geuss we will jut have to wait and find out.

 the teacher's eyes practically sparkled with enthusiasm the moment I crossed the threshold. She beckoned me over with such friendliness that I half-expected confetti to rain down from the ceiling. With a grand gesture, she declared to the entire class that I was the new addition, causing my classmates to crane their necks in curiosity like a flock of confused flamingos.

 Following a warm and overly friendly welcome, the teacher sweetly requested that I give a brief introduction of myself. Flashing a grin that could blind a vampire, I confidently proclaimed my name as the one and only Yoon Aera, much to the delight of my audience. However, little did I know that destiny had a wicked sense of humor up its sleeve.

The teacher swiftly directed me to take a seat next to a boy she affectionately referred to as "Niki." And that's when the chaos ensued. This so-called Niki character turned out to be a walking disaster, sneaking snacks like a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter, chomping away like a cow in a field, and to top it all off, unleashing a burp that could rival a foghorn right in my direction.

 So, picture this: the teacher, with all the enthusiasm of a squirrel on caffeine, announces our first project - making lava lamps. Now, I'm all ears, ready to soak up those instructions like a sponge. But um I don't remmember anything, since there is a specific person next to me that was chewing in my ear throughout the first part of the class.

Anyway, we were each handed a tall, empty jar, some vegetable oil, water, food coloring, and this mysterious little white pill thingy. Now, I'm not one to copy, but when I saw the girls filling their jars halfway with vegetable oil, I thought, "Hey, why not?" So, I followed. Then, they added water until the jar was about three-quarters full, and I thought, "Sure, why not?" 

 And then, the girls added some food coloring, and I tried my best to make it the same. Finally, they took that little white pill thingy and dropped it into the jar. And guess what? I did the exact same thing! But here's where things took a turn for the chaotic. Suddenly, my jar started bubbling like a witch's cauldron on Halloween night. It expanded, overflowed, and spilled its colorful contents all over the counter. Talk about a grand entrance!

 As you can imagine, all eyes were on me - the girl who turned a simple lava lamp project into a full-blown science experiment gone wrong. The teacher asked if I had broken the pill into pieces. I quickly denied it, and she explained that was the reason for the explosive reaction. Oops, my bad! 

Once that had settled and the tornado of chaos had finally subsided, our teacher emerged from the wreckage and commanded us to restore order to the battlefield of our classroom. With brooms and mops in hand, we valiantly embarked on our mission to vanquish the remnants of the mess. Just as I was knee-deep in the debris, a ray of sunshine named Mi-Jin appeared before me, she introduced herself and extended her helping hand.  She asked my first class, and geuss what? She had the same as me! Well as we embarked on our journey to our next class, the dreaded Math, Who knew that amidst the chaos, a friendship would happen?

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