school hates me

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Mi-Jin and I strolled casually into our math class when suddenly all eyes turned towards me, the center of attention as usual. The teacher decided to make a big deal out of introducing me as the new student, going on and on with the usual blah blah blah. Finally, we found our seats, the class began, and then the teacher dramatically whipped out a massive picture covered in lines and numbers, pinning it up on the board. Suddenly, he posed a question with such seriousness as if deciding the fate of the universe, asking, "The function is defined for all real numbers except for x equals 4, What is a reasonable estimate for lim h (x), who knows the answer?" Panic set in as I silently prayed, "Please don't call on me, Please don't call on me", but of course, fate had other plans as he pointed at me and said, "Aera? How about you try to solve it?" Oh, great!

Standing up with shaky legs and a racing heart, I nervously blurted out, "This limit does not exist!" Cue the laughter echoing through the classroom, with students quickly assuming I must be a complete idiot. I felt like disappearing into thin air, but to my surprise, the teacher declared, "I'm surprised, because you're right!" The sudden shift in atmosphere left everyone stunned, including the teacher himself, as he instructed me to sit back down while the class resumed. Even the other students shared my astonishment and looked a bit embarrassed for underestimating my abilities. Sitting there in my seat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride mixed with relief that I had managed to prove them wrong, even if it was purely by accident.

Finally, the torture known as class had come to an end, and I decided to engage in some small talk with Mi-Jin about her next class. To my dismay, she informed me that she had English, which was a real bummer because I had History. After exchanging goodbyes, I set off on a quest to locate my next class, but my attention was so fixated on my schedule paper that I nearly collided headfirst into a wall. Luckily, a mysterious hand swooped in to save me from a potential concussion.

As I looked up, I looked up to angel? Was this an angel in human form? The boy standing before me was undeniably blessed with heavenly looks. I quickly expressed my gratitude and apologized for my clumsiness, to which he responded with a dazzling smile and introduced himself as Sunghoon.

Sensing my confusion, Sunghoon inquired about my lost state, and upon learning that I was searching for my History  class, he kindly offered to guide me. We strolled down the hallway together until we reached a classroom, where he gestured for me to enter with another charming smile. Looks like my day took an unexpected turn, all thanks to my newfound guardian angel, Sunghoon.

As I walked into the classroom, the usual  ritual of introducing me as the new girl unfolded. The teacher then instructed me to take a seat next to a boy named Sunoo. I gracefully settled down, and to my surprise, Sunoo greeted me with the most enchanting smile that could thaw even the iciest of hearts. Despite the teacher's attempt to teach something, I couldn't bring myself to focus because Sunoo was spilling all the spicy gossips about the school.He regaled me with tales of the time when some mischievous boys hired a mariachi band to follow around the crazy detention teacher, and the hilarious incident when a lazy student lied that his teacher kept losing his homework, resulting in a lawsuit filed by his parents. Sunoo had an endless supply of stories, and in no time, we became fast friends.

As we were in the middle of a conversation, the teacher suddenly interrupted with a loud voice, addressing me and Sunoo directly. "Sunoo, once again caught up in gossip and distracting others? Are you kids even paying attention?" I felt a chill run down my spine as I sat there, frozen in fear.

"Umm...yes," I stammered out nervously, trying to regain my composure. The teacher shot me an incredulous look, clearly not convinced by my response. "Then tell me, George Washington's first wife's name and the year she died," the teacher demanded. I stood there, feeling the pressure building up as I tried to recall the information. I saw a boy mouthing what I thought was Abagail. Finally, I blurted out, "Um...Abigail?" hoping I got it right. However, the teacher shook her head in disappointment, correcting me, "It was Augustine. Now, what's the year she died?" Confusion clouded my thoughts as I glanced at a boy who had mouthed something to me earlier.  leaving me no choice but to shoot him an inquisitive look in return. To my surprise, he responded by using his fingers to form a sequence of numbers in the air - "1729." My heart skipped a beat as I summoned every inch of my courage and cautiously blurted out, "Seventeen, twenty-nine?" Just as I thought I was about to plunge deeper into the abyss of confusion, a wave of relief washed over me when the teacher's solemn expression melted into a smile of approval. In a somewhat relieved and somewhat mortified state, As my behind reunited with the chair, I made a solemn vow to stare at the whiteboard with such intensity, it would think it was being entered into a staring contest with a professional.

 After the grueling class, the lunch bell finally rang, signaling a much-needed break. I walked out with Sunoo by my side, and he kindly invited me to join him at his table. Without hesitation, I accepted his offer and found myself surrounded by six other boys. Among them was the annoying Niki guy, who seemed to have a knack for getting on my nerves. There was a guy there who had helped me answer that History question earlier, I believe his name is Jake. And there, sitting right across from me, was the handsome Sunghoon guy I had noticed earlier. Who knew that being the new girl would lead me to such interesting company?

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