Lily's Leap: The Battle Beyond the Bell - Part 1

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Much like a penguin on a tropical beach, Lily found herself rather out of her element on the first day at her new school.

According to grandpa Chen, starting over at a new school was like dipping your toes into a pool-initially shocking and a bit uncomfortable, but soon enough, you're swimming along with everyone else. But as Lily gazed at the unfamiliar faces and wondered where to go, she couldn't help but think that even grandpa Chen might have underestimated this new-school business.

And it was saying a lot. After all, grandpa Chen was no ordinary old man. While most his age were content with morning walks, Grandpa Chen was busy bending iron bars and the laws of physics. He was a master of the martial arts, and not the kind that involved simply kicking and punching, but the kind that required grace and finesse-techniques passed down from ancient masters. While Lily's mom may have had no interest in such matters, Lily herself had caught the bug as soon as she could toddle. She trained with her grandpa since then, honing her skills and becoming quite the expert in her own right.

Yet, here she felt lost, as if all of her knowledge had been stripped away and forgotten. And with her grandfather now miles away, she felt doubly alone.

But no matter, Lily thought, adjusting her backpack and chin held high. She was a fighter, a warrior, a descendant of those who had bravely battled through the ages. Surely she could handle a few strange looks and puzzling stares.

Lily - or Lily-Mei, as she was known in full - was a perfectly ordinary looking 13-year-old girl. She certainly didn't give off any martial arts vibes at first glance. Her size was average, her hair a simple brown, and her eyes, while bright, didn't seem to hold any secrets of ancient fighting techniques. But, much like a moonlit path that looks one way by day and another by night, appearances can change their tune depending on the light.

Lily was making her way through the bustling hallway-past the excited chatter and the occasional high-pitched squeal-when an alarming scene caught her eye. A tall and imposing girl, with broad shoulders and a stern face, stood in a corner with her hands on her hips, glaring down at a smaller girl. The smaller girl had sharp features and large, expressive eyes which darted around like a mouse on a kitchen floor, desperate for a crack in the wall. Clearly, the situation called for a hero.

"Excuse me," Lily said, as she made her way towards the two girls. "I, uh, noticed there seemed to be some...tension here. Is everything okay?"

The two girls, no doubt caught off guard by Lily's sudden appearance, became still. They exchanged a quick glance, as if to confirm they were both seeing the same incredible thing standing before them-a small, yet fiercely determined girl, interrupting their confrontation.

"Who the heck are you?" the bigger girl barked.

"My name is Lily," Lily said. "I'm new here. And it's not cool to pick on someone smaller than you. Just saying."

"Whoa, easy there, new girl," the bigger girl scoffed. "You think you're just gonna waltz in here and tell me what to do? You must be new to getting your butt kicked, too."

"No need to get worked up," Lily said. "Like my grandpa says, 'The best way is to learn through peace, not war.' So why don't you lay off the fighting, and we can all get along instead?"

"Uh, yeah," the smaller girl added. "What she said."

"Are you dense or what?" the bigger girl snapped. "Do I look like I care about some lame quote from some old dude? I'm the toughest chick here, and if someone messes with me, it's game over for them. Got it?"

Hearing her grandpa being called 'some old dude' struck Lily as an insult of the highest order, like a dagger through the heart. But just as she opened her mouth to protest, the school bell cut in, putting a pause on the brewing drama.

"Lucky you, new kid. You can go, for now," the bigger girl said before turning back to the smaller one. "And don't think I'll forget about this. No way."

"Sure," the smaller girl said. "Take your time."

With that, the bigger girl strode away. Watching her go was like seeing a storm cloud pass over - the sun wasn't out yet, but you felt it might be safe to put away the umbrella. Lily let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, I guess," the other girl said. "But next time, I can handle it on my own. This isn't my first rodeo."

"Of course, I was only trying to help," Lily said. "As my grandpa always says..."

"Please. No need to go all Yoda on me. The name's Zoey, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Zoey."

"Got any clue where your next class is?"

"Actually, I do," Lily said, pulling out her schedule. "It's room 304. I have English."

"Well, isn't that a coincidence?" Zoey said. "That's where I'm heading too. Better not keep Ms. Hendricks waiting."

As the two made their way to class, there was still a question mark on Lily's mind. Who was that bully girl? And why did it seem like she had a vendetta against Zoey? The mystery was enough to pique her curiosity. And so she asked Zoey about it.

"Since you're the new girl and all, I guess I can fill you in," Zoey said. "The girl's name is Jessica. She's a bit of a terror around here, so you'd better watch out. I'd stay away if I were you."

"What's her problem with you?"

"Well, let's just say I made... a bad decision," Zoey said. "I got my hands on some stuff I shouldn't have, and I accidentally sold her the wrong answers for a test. Now she's determined to get her money back, with interest."

To call Lily offended would be an understatement. In her head, she'd been the hero; in reality, she'd been the unsuspecting sidekick to a sly fox.

"That was kind of a shady thing to do," she said.

"No need to be judgy," Zoey said. "It's not like I meant to screw her over. Besides, what's done is done."

Lily thought it better not to press the matter further. They made it into the classroom where Lily became the day's main event, her newness drawing all kinds of curious stares and whispers.

After a brief introduction by the teacher and some half-hearted welcomes from her classmates, Lily took her seat at the back of the class. Surely, this day was starting off with a bang.

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