Lily's Leap: The Battle Beyond the Bell - Part 3

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At long last, the school day drew to a close. The bell rang, and students burst from classrooms like a flock of parrots from a cage and twice as noisy.

Lily's thoughts were simple and straight – a bee-line for home, where shoes are kicked off and coziness begins. But before she even stepped out of the building, Zoey was at her heels.

"Hey, wait up," she said. "I want a front-row seat for the showdown!"

"I already told you, I'm not going to fight Jessica."

"Ugh, fine," Zoey said. "But just so you know, I've already spread the word. And I even placed a few bets on you coming out on top."

"Gambling is wrong!"

"Eh, whatever. Just don't chicken out on me."

And off they went, out of the building and into the crisp autumn air. The birds twittered away in the trees, blissfully unaware of the day's drama. For now, all was still peaceful. Until...

"You!" a voice called out.

Here came Jessica, her two right-hand girls in tow, marching towards them from the other end of the courtyard.

"Thought you could just slip away, uh?" Jessica sneered. "Think again."

"I wasn't trying to slip away," Lily said. "All I want to do is go home."

"Hah!" Jessica laughed. "Too bad for you. Hope you're ready for a whooping, cause that's what you're gonna get! You think you can just come in here and rearrange the pecking order? It's time to learn who's the boss!"

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about," Lily said. "But fighting isn't going to solve anything. So I'm just going home."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Jessica said. "Chicken!"

"Hey, she's no chicken," Zoey said. "She's got some sick kung fu moves that'll knock you off your high horse."

"Say what?!" Jessica said.

"Attention, everyone!" Zoey called out. "It's time for Lily to show Jessica Hawkins who's boss! The new girl is about to teach her a lesson!"

"What is wrong with you?" Lily said.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to give the people what they want."

And sure enough, a crowd had formed around them, eager to witness the spectacle. Jessica sized up Lily, and her smirk revealing her verdict.

"Let's do this," she said. "And then we'll see who the real boss is around here!"

There was no way out. Fighting was never Lily's first choice, yet somehow it seemed to be the only one left on the table. And so it was, with a heavy heart, that she readied herself for battle. There was no fear, no anger, just a strange sense of calm.

Jessica moved first. She charged forward, throwing a flurry of heavy, though somewhat predictable, punches. Lily ducked and dodged, making Jessica's efforts seem like swings at a ghost. Each move aimed at her seemed only to meet the air where she'd been a moment before.

"Agh! Enough of this!" Jessica said. "You can't keep dodging me forever!"

And with those words, she lunged at Lily, arms reaching to snatch her up. But in a quick and graceful motion, Lily leaped over Jessica's head and spun around, landing on the other side. She tapped one finger lightly on Jessica's shoulder.

Half the crowd seemed amused, the other half baffled, and a few couldn't help but chuckle. Jessica's earlier rage had given way to a blush that spoke louder than words.

"Let's call it a draw," Lily said.

Jessica's answer was a wild haymaker, thrown in the dark and hoping to connect. With a duck and a quick leg sweep, Lily had Jessica unbalanced and flailing on her way down to the ground.

While the crowd cheered, Jessica remained seated, stunned like someone who'd missed a step on the stairs.

"That was epic," Zoey said, throwing an arm around Lily. "You're totally taking this school by storm."

"I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing," Lily said.

"I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be. I mean, I just made a fortune off the betting."

"That's dirty money."

"No," Zoey said. "That's rightfully earned money. Come on, ice cream's on me. That's the least I can do."

Lily hesitated a bit, but the ice cream call proved too strong to resist.

"Fine," she said.

"Fantastic," Zoey said. "But before we go..."

She strolled over to Jessica, who still sat on the ground, and offered a handful of cash like a peace offering.

"Here's what I owed you, with interest," she said. "I guess we're even now. Good fight, by the way. Consider me impressed."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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