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Before tonight's dinner service...

The red team was preparing for tonight's dinner service, Sabrina and Lisa talking about their very first dinner service of the season. Sabrina was moving and stretching her arms while Lisa was feeling a bit nervous and was slightly shaking due to her nervousness.

Sabrina looked at her and asked, "Are you ready for tonight's service?" Lisa looked at her back and said, "No, not really." Sabrina looked at her concernedly and asked, "Why? What's wrong?"

"I just don't know, it's just that I don't feel ready, Sabrina." Lisa explained.

"But you signed up for this, Lisa. So, you HAVE to do it." Sabrina replied.

Unbeknownst to them, Ramsay came to the red kitchen, clapped his hands together, and said, "Are you ready, red team?"

"Yes, Chef!" said the red team but Lisa.

Sabrina raises her hand to get his attention. Ramsay acknowledged and said, "Yes, Sabrina?"

Sabrina put her hand down and said, "Chef, I don't think Lisa is ready."

"How so?" Ramsay asked.

"Because she's nervous and kinda about to have a panic attack here." Sabrina explained.

"Oh, is that so, Lisa?" Ramsay asked as he looked at Lisa.

Lisa nods.

"Do you want to have a quick chat upstairs before we start this dinner service." Ramsay asked.

"Sure, Chef." said Lisa gladly.

"Alright, follow me." said Ramsay as he left the red kitchen.

Lisa followed him to his office for a quick chat. Once they made it to his office, they sat on the couch face-to-face with each other. "Now, tell me what's wrong, Lisa?" Ramsay asked concernedly.

"Well, it's just that the people come in, we're about to cook for these people and I'm kind of scared, Chef." Lisa explained.

"Well, I understand what you feel but it's a restaurant and people came here to eat, and also, it's a competition of course it's nerve-wracking." Ramsay replied.

"Right, also, you're intimidating, you scream and cuss, and I don't think I can handle it." Lisa further explained.

"Right, it is because I'm pushing you to your ultimate limit so that you can bring your 'A' game. If you want to be my head chef at one of my restaurants, then I have to be hard on you, so that you can get that position after the competition." Chef Ramsay explained.

"Now, do you understand, Lisa?" Ramsay asked.

"Yes, Chef." said Lisa.

"Good! Now let's go downstairs to begin the dinner service, yes?" said Ramsay as he stood up.

However, Lisa stopped him from leaving his office by grasping his wrist and saying, "Chef, don't go."

Chef Ramsay looked at her seriously and said, "Lisa, what are you doing? We don't have time for this, we have to go and start this competition."

"Well, can we just sit down for a bit and chat some more?" Lisa asked.

"No we don't have ti-," said Ramsay before being cut off by Lisa putting her index finger between his lips.

"Please Chef, come and sit down, honey." said Lisa as she placed her hands on his face.

Ramsay takes her hands off of him and says, "Honey?!"

"Yes, Honey." said Lisa gladly as she sat him down.

Lisa started softly caressing his shoulders and back which made Ramsay a little uncomfortable. "You've been too tense and angry lately, so I'm offering you a massage." Lisa explained as she continued caressing his shoulders and back.

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