Chapter 5: Mmm yummy ramen (I have no idea on the title)

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"RUN!!!" The delinquents from the Kata-helmet gang scream as they ran away in extreme shock and fear, getting on jeeps and buggies to start the engines and drives away, to rushing on foot getting away from me and the FTF.

"Great work everyone!" Ayane, talks into the walkie talkie with a happy voice.

While the others are talking about how glad they are since the operation is successfully completed, I took off my helm and walk towards the downed delinquents, all of them are in pain... I guess, their goggles are broken, some glasses shattered, even some helmet are broken... I feel bad for them, I feel bad that I'm the one who hurt them...

"Take them back to the school" I say.

"W-what?" Serika ask, clearly is in confusion. "But why Sensei??"

 "I feel bad, take them back" I say it again, as the Serika gets even more confused.

Shiroko and Nonomi both starting to pick up the unconscious delinquents and pile them up to the car that we use to get to their so called "HQ"

"Uhe~ this old uncle is sleepy" Hoshino whines a bit, cant denied... she did a massive damage to that wall over there... just to pull a punk out and beat her up...

"Looks like its all of them..." I say "Lets get back to the school"

We all got on the car, I start the engine and step on the gas, the car is in a somewhat... bad condition, oil haven't changed, rusty as fuck, and the engine sounds like a stratocaster guitar with a very bad cable and amp... AKA buzzing sounds a lot, fuck it the damn car didnt even have any AC and the Abydos weather is as hot as Ho Chi Minh city in the middle of April [AN: its true, 39 degree is no joke] 

"Ugh... its so hot!" Serika whines, lean back to the seat as a few bead of sweats drip down from her chin. The other is also sweating... but not complaining... "How can even Sensei not feeling hot or anything??" Serika points out... unnecessarily.

"That does making me a lil curious..." Shiroko chimes.

"My home is literally in the hottest region, and I gotten used to it, thats all" I say, ending the conversation right away. 

"Eh?" Serika is confused again.

"He meant that his home country is so hot to the point where he got used to it..." Shiroko explains to Serika.

"Bingo" I raise a thumbs up and continue to focusing on the road.

"ITS NOT LIKE I UNDERSTAND IT OR SOMETHING!!" Serika blushes and shout... typical Tsundere.

"There the Tsun in Serika!" Nonomi tease her in a happy way... which enrage the cat more...

what a weird afternoon....


Back to the school, sitting in the infirmary room bandaging up the wounded delinquents one by one. They are on each bed... damn... now I noticed it, the room is just like a mini hospital, its filled with bandages, alcohol, medical packs, I look for a bit and the continue bandaging a punk. The FTF is in their meeting room for a discussion.

"Mm... what... where am..." the punk opens her eyes... "!". The girl jumps up but then get stump down "What is Sensei doing here????" The girl is confused as she tries to grab her weapon.

"Calm down..." I said blankly. "Your wound is still bleeding"

The girl look at her arm, a very big cut right at the forearm, its still bleed a bit. She cant do nothing but come closer and show me her arm so I can continue recover her wound. I wipe of the blood and dab a bit of alcohol on the wound, the grab a bandage and start wrapping. Two wrap to at the start to fixed it into location and then wrap an X shape a few time up to cover the wound, and a final wrap at the end. 

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