8. Mitochondria

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(Yeah, again my pov, since you seem to like me more

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(Yeah, again my pov, since you seem to like me more. Of course, who wouldn't)

Kaha gyi
Kaha gyi

Has she gone back to her place?

Fuck no. She must be here.

I wandered around the banquet, hoping to find her, but I kept running into people in the large crowd. Why are there so many people? They are making it difficult for me to find her.

Fuckers, couldn't they have just stayed at home!! Was it that important to attend this function? Must have come for the free food.

Puri duniya ch***ya hai.

Except me.
And, yeah of course her.

Where are you, my little creature?

I noticed a kid running here and there, I dragged him to me. He must have seen her.

"Hey...Have you seen my woman?" I asked in a firm and serious tone.

"I don't know who's your woman", he looked at me in irritation and ran from there.

What the??

And why do these kids keep running in these functions.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She's still here, I can feel her presence.

Then I saw a waiter, and called him to me. He definitely have seen her.

"Yes, sir, what do you want?" he asked, offering me the drinks he was carrying on a tray.

"My woman"

"Sorry? ", he looked at me, perplexed.

"Have you seen a beautiful woman anywhere, wearing a black saree, hair tied in a-"

"Messy bun? Yes I have", he said excitedly. Looks like he's too happy to help me.

" Oh, where's she? ", I asked impatiently. I want to be in her presence so badly. I need to be with her.

"She just went there," he said, pointing to a hallway.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. She's here.

"What's your name? "
"S- Sir.. Akash Dubey"
"Okay Akash, I'll tell your boss to give you a raise"
He looks like he's about to cry with happiness, " Th- thank you so much sir"

I left him there and went in the direction he had pointed.

I looked around some more, and yep there she was, busy talking, in a black saree with messy bun.

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