Prologue: I've Carved Your Path

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That day was the day where I could no longer recognize him.

  I recall memories, from long time ago, where he was a jubilant and happy person, someone who I could truly call my father. Now, he is nothing but a hollow shell of himself, corrupted by ridiculed ideas and thoughts. Now, he is nothing more than obsessed with Myeong, and her repertoires and rudiments.

  I miss the old days, where my father wasn't this bane who wanted nothing more than destroy us from within. First, there was me. I'm slowly losing it, losing hold of who I am; turning insane. Next, will be Myeong. I can't help, but feel worried for her wellbeing, whilst, I also can't help but... envy her a little.

  My father's continuous asperity has instigated nothing but belligerent tension within the family. Smiles were long gone from our family, replaced with the countenances of annoyance and dissatisfaction. I wished for everything to be illusory, but it wasn't the reality that laid itself in front of me. Now, those days are just doleful days, as they are long gone.

  My mother doesn't get it. She thinks the risible days still exist. She's recalcitrant, and adjudicating everything based on my father's claims. This behavior disgruntled me. While my mother was the person I felt closest too, she was also someone who I felt quite apart from, because of our different views of things and how she's so willing to accept my father.

  My equilibrium, I can sense, is slowly itching away as the days go by now. Days are agonizing, full of gratuitous abuse and violence. Something I never asked for, but something that bestowed itself upon me anyways. I'm growing sick, of living in this hell under my father. Before, I thought "family" was something like heaven. Now, it's nothing but the root of my suffering.

I want to entreat my parents about what happened, however, they are vague when it comes to answering my question. I want to know what is going on, but they conceal it from it. Whether or not it is an act to protect me, it was one I wasn't fond of at all. It was one that I hated. They said it wasn't expedient for me to know.

  The minute my father changed, when Myeong was hardly a toddler flipped our lives around. I am now casted into the shadows, like I was no one to begin with. My father no longer views me as someone he knows, and this is slowly sketching away my tolerance towards this. I am not impenetrable, imperturbable. I can only be for a certain amount of time, before I snap. That is, because no one can bottle up all their emotions and feelings in a jar, and keep it in there forever. Jars have limited capacities, therefore, they'll overflow.

  I know that I will snap the minute my jar overflows, except, here I am, still stuffing emotions and feelings into my jar, never letting it out. I'm keeping it there, till the glass shatters into pieces, snapping and wrecking havoc, creating a hazard, for those around. The minute my jar snapped, will be the minute I am free. However, the cost for this freedom felt quite hefty. If Myeong were to ever break free, I hope it is not by utilizing the same idea as I did.

  When I say my farewells, I had no more intention of seeing Myeong. It was time to distance from here, and pray to whoever has power. Pray for them to lead Myeong down a route, that may leave her a future better than whatever I have. Whatever I had, I knew, wasn't so great. Whatever it was, was something that was quite unpleasant.

  So, I begin to pack my bags. I approximated that in 6 or so months, I will be leaving. Leaving my family, and beginning my own journey far away. I can't leave unprepared, however. That is why, I am covertly packing now. I see my gateway of freedom, but I know Myeong doesn't see her gateway of freedom. I hope, however, she finds her own path to follow towards freedom, a path to escape from this... dystopia.

  Regretfully, however, once I lost myself, once I ran away, I would no longer be there to assist Myeong in her journey—covertly, of course. I knew she'd despise me, loathe me. That was a problem, however, I was leaving for the Ji-ho in the future to deal with. The future me, will somehow rekindle with her—I hope.

  When I've lost myself, I knew I was going to inflict harm on those around me. From my parents to Myeong, I knew it. Tonight, was the last night I would ever remain at my sanest state. After tonight, I will be crippling away, decaying and transforming into someone new. Once I've lost it, I will restore myself. Restore myself, and then renew myself. I will find myself as a new person, and I hope Myeong can do so as well.

  Right now, Myeong is nothing but cowardly and timid. She is quite docile, easily succumbing to my father. I hope, in the future, that she will turn away from this version of her. That she will become someone new, someone brave and courageous enough to speak her arbitrary opinions. After all, what type of person are you if you are just someone who follows rules, guidelines, codes, and scripts? If that's the case, you're nothing more than a puppet or robot.

  Once Myeong finds the sunlight, I knew, she'd bloom and sprout into a new figure. Perhaps, that new figure, will be one that many can admire. It didn't matter how she turned out, because, at the very least, she'll be more than someone as timid and docile as who she is now. All Myeong had to do was find the supporting materials for her, to allow her to rebirth. No longer, after that, I hoped, was Myeong going to return to her former self.

It's confirmed. I suck at writing prologues :/. Once I finish writing the book, like towards the end, I will probably start the editing process. When I finish the book, I will then also write the prologue I'll probably keep. Right now, I really just am writing random stuff for the prologue. (The editing process will be when I've released every last chapter.)

Have a great day/night!


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