Chapter 03: Do You See, Him Playing With Me?

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  From the minute he screeched my name with that voice of his, all of my thought process came to an abrupt halt, till nothing but emptiness ran through my small head. My father stalked up to me, his eyes psychologically pointing daggers at me. He maintained a tall, commanding, and threatening position. Or at least, I felt threatened.

As my father draws closer to me, I shrink back further. I'm practically terrified. I'm petrified to the core. I didn't dare speak; I didn't dare stand up to him. All I could dare was to act cowardly, and attempt to avoid him like the imbecile I am. How I felt wasn't oblivious to him. I knew he was fully conscious of how I felt. However, being the person and father, I know him as, he held no trace or sign of pity. 'To be able to pity someone is a weakness. To be kind is a weakness. To be merciful is a weakness. That is a person I don't want you to be.'

"Why are you moving away from me, Myeong?" He asks, his voice sending chills down my spine. I struggle to find words to say. I had... never done this before. I had never forbade my father before, but now I am doing so. Why? I had no idea.

My father takes out a serum, and points it at me. He grabs my hand, and injects it into my hand. Nothing happens, but he smiles at me, "The more you defy me, the more of this serum I will inject into you."

"What- what is this?" I question, with the courage of which was in me losing it's effulgence. Like the hope my father held for my brother, it vanished without a trace. Never to be seen once again.

My father's smile widens, as he rests his hand on my right shoulder. We meet eye to eye, face to face. I clasp my hands together, as I was creeped out by the actions of my father. Like I was a small mouse hiding from a deadly cat. My father leans in, and whispers briskly into my ear, "It will be the cause of your death, Myeong. If you defy me, your death will come sooner. It's a type of poison, of which where the more you are injected with, the sooner you will die."

My father, my oh-so caring father, pats my head lightly. "So be a good girl, Myeong."

"What are you doing with little Myeong, honey?" I hear my mother call. The door opens wide, and she walks into the room. She shuts the door behind her, and scowls at my father, "You should've told me Myeong came home. I had prepared a batch of cookies for her and Ji-ho."

My mother was perhaps the kindest person I've ever known. She had the same, bold blue eyes as Ji-ho. Eyes that held the ocean inside of them. Eyes of which allured my father the moment he caught sight of them. My mother, unlike me who inherited the color of my father's hair, had smooth, long blonde hair. I don't know why, I don't know how. All I knew was that she was raised outside of Flame Tribe, despite having ancestors and relatives inside of Flame Tribe.

My mother, like Ji-ho and I, had quite pale skin. That was one of the only resemblances I had with her. A majority of my appearance was derived from my father.

My father is a demon in disguise. Sometime ago, someone remarked that I shared a lot of resemblance with my father. On the other hand, Ji-ho shares more of a resemblance with my mother instead of my father. I share the same, crimson, dark eyes as my father.

We both have the same black hair. Ji-ho too. Ji-ho was almost like a mix between both of my parents, while I mostly just resembled my father. My, oh-so loving father.

My father, as if though he had put on a mask, replies to my mother in a warm tone. Completely disregarding the fact that he had poisoned me. He smiles at her warmly and lies, "Myeong told me that she has a problem with Eunryung. I was just comforting her. There is no need to worry."

My father turns to me. Just by his glance, I could tell that he was urging me to play along. Play along with the act of his, conceal his harassment to me.

I nod, and play along with his act. For if I didn't, he would poison me once again. I refused to speak a word though. I was afraid to mess up, afraid to anger him. Fear strikes faster than courage. I held more fear than courage.

What I wished was, however, I wished that I had courage. I wished of that I had the strength to stand up for myself. I wished... to find a life of which I could enjoy. A life of which where I was not tormented by those around me. A life of which I could smile, and be happy. To just clean up the mess I was left with, and live in a cleansed, enjoyable world. Nevertheless, that was my one wish I could never have come true.

"Oh, Myeong, are you all right?" My mother asks me, in a soft tone. She walks up to me, and puts her hand on my cheek. We look at each other eye to eye. I nod yet again. I've just been nodding, nodding, and nodding. Like a mechanical bot, programmed to nod to whatever someone would say. As if though I had no mind of my own. As if though I could not be in charge of my own decisions.

My mother smiles, happy to hear I was 'alright.' I try to return her smile, but I fail miserably.

"Myeong." My father calls my name suddenly, in a stringent tone, "How have you been doing on your studies?"

A minute ago, my father had petrified me down to the core. Another second ago, my father had ordered me to lie to cover up his tracks. Now, he was asking me about how I have been doing on my studies, like how he normally does around my mother.

I hesitantly shake my head no. I knew he already knew the answer, he was just asking me to tell if I would lie to him or not. My father was bound to punish me in some way. With all of the mercy in his darkened heart, my father orders me to study for every time I had 'free time.'

"You must study everyday of your life, Myeong," He commands, his voice unwavering and demanding the attention of many. "Or else, how else can you become the great protector of the world?"

Like the robot I've been playing, I nod yet again. My dad nods his approval at me, and he takes my mother out of the room. He shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone. Leaving me alone, to study for the time to come.

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