Chapter 06: My Lonely Trip Back Home

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(Sometime later...)

  I drag my exhausted body back towards my house, with Rei and Ji-ho far ahead of me. The sun was long gone from the sky, for it had vanished sometime ago. The crunching sound of leaves played on repeat into the night sky. I gazed up at the stars, all gleaming and glistening in the darkened sky.

  I felt overwhelmed. For someone my age, I am sure I should not be experiencing such things. I was clueless about what was going on in my life. I couldn't comprehend anything at all; I didn't understand.

  My feet trail behind me, as I was nothing more than just... tired. When I was training with Ji-ho, he didn't dare go easy on me, despite being years older than me. I recall that when we were younger, we would do everything together. We were... so close.

  But then, happiness doesn't always last forever. As we aged, as time went by, we grew distant and further apart. That began around the time my father began to portray his obvious liking of me. It was like, he was an obstacle tearing us apart. I want to be closer to Ji-ho. Perhaps, in the near future, there was something I could do about this. Perhaps, I wouldn't be just a puppet...

  That Rei guy, I figured he and Ji-ho were very close. I figured that my father probably did some father-stuff to make him teach us--I wasn't sure. Nevertheless, there was no need for me to jump to conclusions.

Hearing the songs and melodies of birds, I began to pick up the pace. It was late--or early, I should say. I had to get back. Although, I held no desire or wish to return to the clutches of my father once more-I had no choice. I couldn't run away just yet, as such, I was still learning how to fly.

  As I draw nearer, I hear the voices of my brother and Rei, chattering away in the mist of daybreak. They were enjoying themselves, despite having gotten no sleep. I hear Ji-ho talk about our lovely father, and Rei listening in to Ji-ho's rant.

  "-He is obsessed with her. He calls her his prize, his tool, and his possession. Then, he neglects me, as if I'm nothing but trash, just sitting here. Everyday he's like, 'You're too merciful, Ji-ho. Be like you sister, a merciless killer like me' , 'You shouldn't do that, Ji-ho. Stop acting so friendly! That's a sign of weakness' , 'You mustn't use such gentle language, Ji-ho! How will you accomplish anything with that attitude!'" I hear Ji-ho quote, quote a few words of my father. I look at the palm of my hands, wondering if I really were a killer. I ask myself if I have ever killed someone before. I... didn't want to be my father.
  "Well-" Rei begins, then he intentionally cuts himself off, and changes the entire conversation, "Well, would you look at that! We have arrived in front of the Taseraki threshold! It may be early, but I am perfectly fine if I do say so myself, so, let's head in. I've got some handy information to sell to your father, the boss himself, Lord Gōrume!"

  Not long after Rei's and Ji-ho's voices perished, I saw the house myself. I've never seen it in this time of day-but it wasn't like the house had some drastic change because it was early in the morning right now.

  I slide open the door with my two small hands, pulling it. It slid to left, allowing for me to enter. I walk into the house, of which was quite silent, ignoring the now-hushed voices of Rei and Ji-ho. I had believed my father was snoozing away, fast asleep. Apparently,  I was wrong.

  That commanding, demanding, and furious voice of my father echoed and bounced off the walls. It rang in my ears, buzzing like a bee. I assumed this was why Rei and Ji-ho spoke in hushed voices. It was hard for me to not eavesdrop on my father.

  "This note was supposed to be given to me weeks ago, and just now you choose to hand it to me? I demanded for this for weeks. You're really testing my patience, aren't you?" I hear my father yell. In such a ruckus and hassle like this, I doubt anyone in the household would be asleep. My mother was probably awake, watching my father's rage in motion, yet again. I hated to admit, but events like this were so... frequent. Either my father is yelling at someone else, or it's me. So much for that 'loving father.'

  I walk my way towards my father's screams, knowing he'd like for me to tell him I'm back. I walk myself down the hallway, down the corridor, as I sought my father. He was the man in charge, and there was nothing I could do about that. I had no will to face his wrath-his fury. All I could do was heed his command. Like a bot.

  I see the shadows of my father, mother, and some other person. I try to slide open the door, but it came to no avail. Out of curiosity, I decided to peek into the room. I wanted to know who my father was talking to.

  I see my father, all high and mighty, his sheer appearance screaming danger. He sits at the head of the table, with nothing but fury in his eyes. Notes--the ones I assumed my father was yelling about--lay in front of him, on the wooden table. His arms are crisscrossed, and I assumed it was because he was trying to refrain from slapping someone.

On the opposing side of the table, another man sits, facing my father. He had fiery, scarlet red hair-like the man who I met in the woods a month ago. The one who grazed me with a blade. Like my father, his posture was in a similar manner, except his hands were in his lap. Unlike my father, he remained calm and steady, as if my father hadn't just yelled at him a few moments ago.

  "I am uninterested in stoking a conflict with you, Lord Gōrume, for we are both co-workers. Wrecking our plans and strategies by inflicting conflict between us would lead us to nowhere. It would cause for us to fall. Now, you wouldn't want that, would you? So why don't you calm down, and I'll retell the story." He says, in a nonchalant tone. How could he do that? Every time my father yelled at me, I would always shrink back, in fear and distress, like prey. Now I see him, standing and facing the predator, as if he were the stronger predator, as if my father was now the prey.

  My mother, who I was aware was quite tired from this, was seated in between the two men. Her head bobbed up and down, as if she were falling asleep. Her eyelids opened and closed. Her hands, like the other guy, were in her lap. She mumbles some words in response to the man.

  "Mhm. I agree. Good point. Mhm, mhm." She blabbers, trying to somewhat engage in the conversation. Her head continues to slip and slide, then snap back up again, as she gradually continues to fall asleep and wake up.

  My father, completely disregarding my mother, carries on with the conversation. Fortunately, they haven't noticed me.

  "Calm d-" My father began, before coming to an abrupt halt. He rose from his chair, and began to strive towards me. His eyes were dead-locked onto me. He had seen me. Out of all people, he saw me. I had jinxed it.

  I see my mother behind him lift her arms onto the table, and her head falls onto her arms. She had finally succumbed to sleep, but at the time where my father was on the brink of killing me. The man who my father was chatting to glances over to look at me. My suspicions were confirmed; He was that man who grazed me with the dagger a month ago. He waves at me, but says nothing.

  My father harshly slides open the door, and shuts it behind him. He turns to me, and grabs me by my neck, choking me. He holds me
up so I looked at him face to face. I'm writhing in pain, struggling to breath.

  "You dare eavesdrop on your father?" My father interrogates me through clenched teeth. He tightens his grip around my neck, cutting off my airway. I could not breathe at all. I flail, kick my legs, out of instinct, but give in. It was just consuming my energy.

  "I have taught you that eavesdropping on your parents is heinous, and shouldn't be done. Apparently, Myeong, you still have a lot to learn." He adds the last part with a sight of disappointment. My father then releases his grip, and I fall to the ground. I gasp for air, choking. I cough a bit too.

  My father quickly eyes the man and my mother, before turning back towards me.

  Purely just because of exhaustion, I then fall asleep.


What do you guys think of Myeong's father, the one and only, Lord Gōrume, hmm?

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