chapter 2: harlow's boyfriend

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chapter 2: harlow's boyfriend


       The seats for our school's football field is almost completely full with people wanting to watch the game. Despite our school being one that primarily focuses on the arts, we still have pretty good sports teams. I mean, our school isn't just for the arts. Thankfully. I'm not exactly artistically inclined. I do enjoy playing some instruments and I am good at it, but it's not something I want to put all my focus on.

       I'm sitting on the front sidelines with most of the other cheerleaders as we wait for the game to start. I try to look through the crowd to see if I can spot my family, but since I'm sitting, I don't have the best view.

       One of my fellow cheerleaders, Maggie, walks over to me. "Harlow, I've got some exciting news for you," she says.

       "Did I win the lottery?" I ask.

       "What? No," Maggie says. "And why would that be exciting news? Aren't your parents, like, super rich? You already have a lot of money." I shrug. "Never mind. The exciting news is that Jason wants ask you out."

       "Oh," I say. "Sorry, I'm not interested."

       "Seriously?" Maggie asks. "It's Jason. The quarterback of the football team. Anyone would kill to go out with him."

       "Not me," I say. "Jocks aren't my type."

       "How is that possible?" Maggie asks. "Aren't you a jock?"

       "Well, yeah, but just because I am one doesn't mean I'm interested in jocks. I like nerd. Like, I really like nerds." 

       "Huh. That's... surprising."

       I shrug. I don't know why it would be surprising that I like nerds. Everyone has a type, and nerds just so happen to be mine. I just love the way they talk about a subject they're so passionate about. It's the cutest thing ever. 

        Once the football game starts and us cheerleaders are starting our routine, I'm finally able to properly search the crowd for my family. I find them in one of the middle rows, and sitting with them are Kiro, my boyfriend Emmett, and Emmett's moms Ellie and Alyssa.

       Emmett is the most supportive boyfriend ever. He comes to every single one of the football games I'm cheering at, even though he doesn't really care for sports. And whenever one of the teams I'm on has a game, he shows up. I think he only ever missed one game, but that was because he fell asleep while studying. He was very apologetic even though I kept telling him that it was okay.

       He's going to university to be a nurse, so I know how tiresome studying can be for him. I don't even expect him to come to every game, but he still does.

       Us cheerleaders finish one of the cheers, so I look at Emmett and wave at him. He smiles and waves back at me.

       "Who were you waving at?" Maggie asks.

       "My boyfriend," I say.

       "You have a boyfriend?" Maggie asks. I nod. "Why haven't I seen you with him?"

       "Oh, probably because he doesn't go to this school. He's in university."

       "Ooh, an older man."

       "Just by two years. And I've known him, like, my entire life." Emmett was definitely the first friend I ever had, and still my best friend to this day. We just got along so well despite having different interests.

       Although we do share a few interests, but our main ones differ such as me being more into sports and him being more into playing Dungeons and Dragons.

       During halftime, Emmett gets up to his seat and walks down to where I am, stopping at the fence that separates the stands from the football field. I walk over to him and hug him since the fence is short enough for me to still reach him.

       "You look so beautiful out there," Emmett says.

       I smile. "Thank you. Though are you sure you're not saying that because you have a thing for cheerleaders?"

       "Nah, just one cheerleader. Do you have plans after the game?"

       I shake my head. "Probably just procrastinate and not do my homework. But it is a Friday, so I have time to do it over the weekend."

       "Then how about I take you out for dinner?" Emmett asks.

       "I'd like that." I absolutely love spending time with Emmett. It's probably my favourite thing in the world. He's just such a joy to be around, and I esepcially love hearing him talk about whatever he's passionate about that day.

       He once talked about his current Dungeons and Dragons campaign for a full hour and even though I don't understand the game, I loved hearing him talk. He just seemed so happy to talk about it.

       Emmett and I talk a bit longer before I have to go perform my school's cheer team's halftime performance. He kisses my cheek and wishes me luck. 

       Our halftime performance goes smoothly with no mistakes, since we did have practice after practice to make sure it goes well. Shortly after, the football game continues so we go back to cheering in our regular spot.

       Unfortunately, our football team does lose the game, but it was a close game, so I hope that it doesn't crush the team too much.

       I walk over to the bench where I left my bag and jacket so I can leave as soon as I can. As I'm putting on my jacket, Jason walks over to me. "Hey, Harlow," he says.

       "Hi," I say. "You played a good game today. Sorry you lost, though."

       "Eh, it's okay," Jason says. "It happens. As much as I would love to win every game, it's not guaranteed. Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime."

       "Sorry, but I actually have a boyfriend," I say.

       "Oh. You do?"

       "Yeah. We've been together for a few months now. Sorry."

       "No, it's okay," Jason says. "I just thought I'd ask. So... I guess I'll see you around." At least Jason took the rejection well. I hope. I know some people who rejected a guy and he seemed to take it well, only to be a complete jerk to the girl he asked out the next day. Some people just need to learn that it's okay to be rejected.

       I zip up my jacket and grab my bag before heading over to where Emmett is waiting for me. "So, what do you want for dinner?" he asks. "We can get burgers, tacos, pi--"

       "Tacos," I say before he can finish all of his suggestions.

       Emmett smiles. "Yeah, I kind of figured that's what you wanted. Alright, let's get going to the usual restaurant."


harlow and emmett are such a cute childhood friends to lovers <3 they've literally known each other their whole lives and i love them so much. they're both so supportive of each other.

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