chapter 14: harlow's investigation

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chapter 14: harlow's investigation


       Emmett walks over to where I'm sitting in the cafe. He kisses the side of my head before he sits beside me, then looks at the notebook I'm writing in. He furrows his eyebrows. "Why does it look like you're writing a hit list?"

       "I'm not," I say. "At least not yet. This very well may be turned into a hit list. Maybe it should be one anyway since it's full of sexist pigs."

       "I take it this is about the list at your school?" Emmett asks.

       "Yep. All the people on here have either said something sexist about girls, they seem to support the list, or they looked scared when they heard about the rumour that Kiro is trying to find out who's behind the list."

       "Kiro?" Emmett asks. "Why? Actually, no, don't answer that. I can guess why. Maybe everyone will forget all about the list soon."

       I sigh. "No, they won't. Whoever is behind it posted an updated version of the list today, moving some names around. Kiro thinks it's because they're trying to please him since Fern was higher on the list than before. That's what he said, at least. I still haven't looked at it." I put down my pen and rub my forehead. "I hate that I'm obsessing over this stupid list. I just want to ignore it or forget all about it, but I can't. Not when it hurts so many girls."

       "You'll figure it out soon," Emmett says. "I know you will. I just wish there was something I can do to help."

       "Giving me emotional support is good enough." I close my notebook. "I need a break from all of this. Tell me something to make me feel better."

       "Okay, hold on, let me think of something." Emmett tries to think of something, but he comes up with nothing. He's not the best at telling jokes, but that's okay. I still love him. "I got nothing, but how about we go to either of our houses and order some takeout? My treat."

       I smile. "I'd like that."

       We decide to go to my house and as soon as we get there, I see none other than Kiro. Of course. I'm surprised he hasn't moved in here yet since he's here all the time. Then again, I know one of his dads won't let him move out at sixteen just so he can move in with his best friend.

       Kiro and Fern are working on their song for their music class, so it really isn't a big deal that Kiro is here. It never is a big deal, but I like teasing Kiro whenever he's over. So of course, I say, "Why are you always here? You should go home."

       "You should get out of my business," Kiro says. "Fern and I are working on our song. Unless you want us to fail for not working on it, I'm staying here."

       "You can work on it at your home."

       "Last time we tried that, Reuben would not leave us alone and my padre was giving unnecessary criticism even though he's not a musician at all. At least here, everyone minds their own business. But you."

        I can see Dad in the kitchen, so I says, "Dad, tell Kiro to leave."

        Dad, of course, takes Kiro's side instead and says, "Kiro, how would you like to spend the week here? I'm sure I'll be able to convince Ari to let it happen since you can always stop by your house to visit him."

       I scowl as Kiro says, "Sure, I would love that."

       "You're supposed to be one my side, Dad," I say.


       "Come on, just leave Kiro alone," Emmett says. "We still need to order our food anyway. I'll even order from your favourite dessert place as well to get some cheesecake for you."

       "Ooh, yes, please."

       Emmett and I head up to my bedroom even though I wanted to stay downstairs to bug Kiro more. I can't help it. It's just so fun to bug him all the time and I'm sure he feels the same way.

       I lie down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. "You know what I hate? That my school isn't doing enough to fight the list. All they did was send a letter home to warn the parents of what's happening. That's it. No trying to find out who is behind it, no warning students not to cyberbully, nothing."

       Emmett sits down beside me. "Maybe you should talk to the principal about it. Tell her that you feel like the school isn't doing enough and how a lot of students' self-confidence is going down because of it."

       "I don't know if they would listen to me." I sit up. "Ooh, but you know who they would listen to? Someone who donates a lot of money to the school."

       "Your dads."

       "Exactly. They're just as mad about the list as I am. If I ask them, they'll surely talk to my principal and say how they're not happy how the school is handling it. Or..."

       "Why do I feel like this 'or' is a bad idea?"

       "Or I can start a protest. A walk out. Something."

       "I knew it."

       "Hey, protests aren't a bad idea."

       "That's true, but maybe you should get your dads to talk to the school first. If the school doesn't do anything about it after, then I think it would be a good idea to start a protest. I would help but, you know, I don't go to that school."

       "Hey, you're doing more than enough by giving me emotional support," I say. "Thank you for always listening to my rants. I love you."

       "I love you too, Harlow," Emmett says. He grabs his phone. "So why do you want to order from for dinner? Scratch that, I know your answer. Tacos."

       "You know me so well," I say. He really does. Emmett has always been my best friend growing up and I'm glad that we're dating now. He means the absolute world to me.


when both twins get a childhood friends to lovers relationship <3

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