chapter 3: fern's love for music

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chapter 3: fern's love for music


       I stare blankly at the piano keys in front of me, trying to get my mind to think of any tune I can play. I don't think I have ever struggled this hard to write a song for my music class. 

       Writing a song is one of the optional mid-semester projects we can do, and we're free to change our project any time. If I keep struggling, I know I can change, but I would rather not give up.

       And at least it's also optional to pair up with someone, so I'm working with Kiro. But he's at a block too. Hopefully, one of us will think of something sooner or later. We do have a bit of time, so we're not in any rush to absolutely think of something today. We would just rather have something just in case our block lasts a few days.

       I decide to close my eyes and randomly press one key on the piano, hoping that I'll think of anything that can follow. Nothing. I've got nothing.

       I look over at Kiro, who is just lying on the floor as he looks up at the ceiling. Kiro likes to work on the floor because he says it gives him more freedom. He feels confined by a desk. He doesn't even use the desk in his bedroom unless he's playing video games. It's definitely not for any type of work.

       I like working on the floor most of the time too since I feel more grounded and comfortable. I can work at a desk, but when I'm hit with a bunch of stress, the floor is way more comfortable.

       "Maybe we should start with thinking about what style we want the song to be," Kiro speaks up. "Instead of just waiting for something to come to us. That way, we can narrow our focus on certain chords and chord progressions."

       "Yeah, that would help," I say. 

       "So what kind of style do you want the song to be?" Kiro asks. "Metal, heavy metal, rap..."

       "I don't like performing those genres."

       "I know. I was just joking. How about... Pop punk?"

       "Hmm..." I consider that option for a bit. It's always a fun genre to perform and to listen to. "Yeah, let's try it. Maybe we'll actually think of something soon." We've been trying to work on our song ever since we got home from school, so I'm close to feeling like giving up for the day. Maybe now that we decided on a genre, we'll get something.

       The front door opens, so I look over to see Harlow walking inside. She stayed after school for some sort of practice. I think it was volleyball? Or cheerleading? She does a lot of sports so it's hard for me to keep track of what she's doing when.

       Harlow takes off her shoes and as she walks into the living room, she sees Kiro lying on the ground. She stares at him before she says, "I swear, you're obsessed with me. You're always over here."

       Kiro looks at Harlow before looking back up at the ceiling. "You're right. I am obsessed with you. I don't think I can ever be apart from you. In fact, the only reason why I became best friends with Fern is so I could get closer to you." Kiro then looks at me. "That's sarcasm, by the way."

       "Oh, okay." I can detect sarcasm sometimes, specifically when it's over-exaggerated. That's how Harlow portrays her sarcasm. Kiro, on the other hand, uses his usual tone of voice whenever he's sarcastic, so it's hard for me to tell with him. He never uses it towards me, but he'll use it around me, and he always informs me afterwards.

       It helps a lot, especially when he says stuff like him only being friends with me to get close to Harlow.

       "We're working on a song for our music class," Kiro tells Harlow. "It's a lot easier collaborating in person. That's why I'm here. And am I not allowed to be at my best friend's house?"

       "Well, yeah, but you're here, like, every day," Harlow says. "You don't see me at Emmett's house every day."

       "Maybe you should go to Emmett's house every day," Kiro says. "Then I'll see less of you."

       "You can see less of me if you, you know, go home."

       "It's too far."

       "It's a five minute walk. Less if you drive here, and your car is literally in our driveway."

       As my sister and best friend do what they like to call friendly bickering, I start playing around with a few different chords on the piano. Soon enough, I end up coming up with something I think Kiro and I can work with.

       "Kiro," I say. He stops bickering with Harlow and looks over at me. "I think I got something."

       Kiro gets up and sits down beside me on the piano bench. "Let's hear it."

       I play the few chords I have, which isn't a lot, but it's a start. "That's all I got."

       "I see it working," Kiro says. 

       "Hey, Fern, is Dad or Poppa home?" Harlow asks.

       "No," I say. "Dad went to take Forest to his figure skating lesson and Poppa is still at work."

       "Perfect, now I can make what I'm craving for dinner and they can't stop me," Harlow says. "We're having crab, by the way."

       "Ooh, yummy," I say. "Let me know if you need help."

       Harlow shakes his head. "No, it's okay, I don't want to bother you. You and Kiro should keep working on your song." Harlow heads to the kitchen to go cook dinner for our family. Dad's usually the one to make dinner, but Harlow and I like helping out whenever he's with Forest at his figure skating practice so Dad can just relax when he gets home. We all practically grew up cooking, so we like cooking dinner whenever we have the chance.

       Kiro and I continue to work on our song, but we don't get too far. We don't want to push ourselves anyway just in case we end up in yet another block. It's good to take song writing slowly and not rush. I like working slowly anyway. It's a nice, calm process, and I'd rather feel calm than stressed.


harlow, fern, and forest still love helping out in the kitchen <3 

i love kiro and harlow's friendship. they're always bickering, but they never mean it in a hateful way lol.

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