chapter 15: fern's music

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chapter 15: fern's music


       It's weird. I don't like talking in front of people. At all. It's very difficult for me to speak up in a crowd of people and thankfully, my teachers know and understand that, so I'm never called on in class. But when it comes to music? I love performing in front of people.

       I think it helped that I basically grew up watching my dad perform, and it just made me want to perform as well because I love music so much.

       So when the day comes for me and Kiro to perform the song we've been working on for our music class, I'm excited. It will just be in front of the class, but it's still a performance, no matter how small.

       The school heavily supports the performing arts, so there are a lot of opportunities to perform in front of the school. 

        Once music class rolls around, we get started on the performances. Our teacher asks who wants to go first and I immediately raise my hand. Kiro always tells me that he's fine going whenever I want to go, so I know he won't mind going first.

       The teacher, Mrs. Franco, smiles and says, "I love your enthusiasm. Alright, Fern and Kiro are first." She gestures for us to come to the front of the class.

       We did write the song to be played with a full band, but it's just me and Kiro performing it, so I will be singing while he plays the electric guitar. Even though it is just the two of us, I still have a lot of fun performing it. I always have fun performing with Kiro. Our love of music definitely helped us grow closer together as best friends.

       When we finish our performance, everyone claps as Kiro and I take a bow before heading back to our seats. Everyone else performs and all their songs are really good. I like watching people perform as much as I like performing. Everyone here is so talented.

       Once class ends, I pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. One of my classmates walk over to me and says, "Your song was so good, Fern."

       "Oh, uh, thanks," I say.

       "Yeah, it's too bad you're not in the top ten," he says.

       I furrow my eyebrows, feeling very confused. "I don't get it."

       Kiro glares at the student. "You got three seconds to walk away. One..." The classmate doesn't even wait for Kiro to finish counting before he walks away.

       I look at Kiro. "I don't get what he meant by it being too bad I'm not in the top ten."

       Kiro sighs. He gently places his hand on my back as he leads me out of the classroom. "It was a backhanded compliment. He thought you were talented, but not pretty enough."

       "Oh." I frown. "That's mean."

       "Yeah, I know," Kiro says. "It's why a lot of people hate the list. Not only is it objectifying all the girls at the school, but some guys are now depending on the list to tell them who's pretty and who isn't. Ignore what he said. You really are pretty and some stupid list isn't going to determine that."

       I smile at Kiro. "Thank you. I trust you more than a list, anyway."

       We have one more class before school ends and once it does, we leave the school to head back to Port Orthos. Forest comes with us since Harlow has to stay after school and she's the one that drove us here. He doesn't like staying after school and wants to leave as soon as he can.

       Kiro comes to my home with me since his younger brother Rueben is already there. Kiro and Rueben's dads are both working out of home today and when this happens, Dad will pick up Rueben from school and keep him over until Kiro gets home.

       But instead of Kiro and Rueben going to their home, Rueben wants to stay and hang out with all the animals, so they stay here.

       "How did your performance go?" Dad asks me and Kiro.

       "I think it went well," I say. "I mean, we didn't mess up or anything but we won't know our grade until tomorrow."

       "Well, I'm sure you'll get a high grade," Dad says. "And I'm not just saying it because you're my daughter, but because I heard you two practice and I think it sounded amazing."

       I smile. "Thanks."

       "And how is everything going with that list?" Dad asks.

       "Not good," Kiro says. "Just yesterday, they 'updated' the list and moved some names around, so I doubt whoever is behind it is going to take it down any time soon."

        Dad sighs. "That sucks. Harlow asked if your poppa and I can talk to the principal about it, so I think we're going to tomorrow. We just couldn't today because he had an important meeting he couldn't get out of."

       "Do you think something will be done then?" I ask.

       "I don't know, but Harlow seems to think that maybe the school will listen if they realize some of the parents are upset about it," Dad says. "Especially because a lot of parents fund the school so they don't exactly want to do anything that will anger them."

       "Oh, I can get my parents to talk to the school about it too, then," Kiro says. "Even if it's just sending an email. They don't have any daughters that go to the school, but that doesn't mean they can't be mad about the list, right? I mean, I've talked to them about it and they agree that it's sexist."

        "Padre also said that it's shitty," Rueben speaks up from the couch as he's holding one of our pet bunnies.

       "Hey, watch your mouth," Kiro says.

       "Why?" Rueben asks. "I hear you say that word all the time?"

       "Yeah, but I'm a teenager," Kiro says. "You're eight. Eight year olds shouldn't be saying stuff like that."

       "Why not?"

        "I don't know, but Dad and Padre don't want you cursing, so watch your mouth or I'll tell them."



i wish i could write music and sound as good as i imagine kiro and fern to sound lol. fern's entire family is so musically talented. (even marius. he was a classically trained pianist and i forgot to mention it in his and fawn's books. he just didn't really play anymore because his dad forced him to take lessons and he hated the lessons)

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