Chapter 1

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Inside one of the Operations Center, General Lise Sinclair, a member of the anthro army and the one who volunteered to create Death's Hand, held a briefing for a new mission. She is a dragon anthro, towering at 207cm. The dragon species emerged as one of the few new species during the transformation of other species into anthros. They resulted from the blending of multiple reptile genomes. Being a mutated species, they are rarely seen, and among all anthros, they are regarded as one of the strongest.

"We've detected strange activities in one of the abandoned villages near Decarta," she said, her voice commanding attention. "The city isn't big, and the village is secluded enough to make a good hiding spot for one of Eden's bases. Your task will be to investigate the location, and if the enemy forces do run this place, you are to make an immediate report." With a tone that brooked no discussion, she added, "Do not engage them. I don't want any casualties from our side. Did I make myself clear?"

They all nodded in agreement, and as the General's gaze traversed her troops and settled on a particular individual, every pair of eyes followed suit. What met their gaze was the lean form of a human—no, the human: Ray Shepard. He was the first human ever permitted to join Death's Hand since its creation over fifteen years ago.

Her tone remained neutral as she introduced the new recruit for Gamma Squad 1, but a hint of animosity flickered in her eyes, noticeable to Ray. "I'm aware that many of you oppose his presence here, and trust me, I'm inclined to share that sentiment. I'd prefer to dismiss him and move on." In response, most of the anthros present scoffed in agreement. "I attempted to discuss it with our President, Chloe Whitaker," she stressed the name, revealing her annoyance at having to deal with the situation, "but she refused to entertain the topic."

She let out a long sigh and continued, "most of us here have suffered greatly due to humans, either directly or through the loss of family members," at the mention of this, her eyes filled with heavy sadness, though it quickly gave way to her usual expressionless demeanor. "However, since we need to work together for the moment, I'll make this clear to all of you," she gave an intense look to her operators before continuing... "do not target him because if you do I'll need to kick your ass and I don't want that. When on base, you may choose to ignore him, but on mission, think of him as one of your own."

"I made sure he didn't end up here solely by luck. His assignment to Gamma Squad 1, rather than to the regular soldiers, indicates his competence, and I trust he will fulfill his duties. And as for you," she turned to face Ray directly, "if you endanger a mission or jeopardize the lives of squad members, I will ensure you suffer an agonizing death. Clear?"

"Y-yes, ma'am, I'll do everything I can to meet your expectations!" he replied, feeling a cold sweat trickle down his back in response to the unveiled threat.

"Good." Satisfied with his response, she continued her briefing, announcing that departure would be at 3:00 and the journey to Decarta would take approximately four hours. Upon arrival, they would need to rendezvous with the stationed soldiers and meet with the responsible party to gather intelligence on the village's layout, the location where the activity was witnessed, and any other pertinent information.

Following the meeting, they would have free time for preparations and rest until 22:30 to do a last check-up and a departure at 23:00. Under the cover of darkness, they are to trek for approximately six hours to reach the designated spot where they will begin their approach to the village.

Afterward, they were dismissed and left to their own devices. Ray, realizing that his presence alone was causing problems for his team and not wanting to stir up any trouble, decided to head to his quarters. He felt a mix of excitement at receiving his first assignment and fear that he might not be able to meet the General's expectations. Now a member of Gamma Squad 1, he recognized that while it might not be the elite of the elite, it was a significant achievement, especially fresh out of training, and better than what many anthros could hope for.

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