Chapter 4

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Four Humvees arrived at the designated location where Gamma Squad 1 would commence their mission. Each member disembarked, ensuring nothing was left behind in the vehicles. After completing their preparations, the squad gathered near Masha, who stood at the forest's edge marking the foot of the mountain.

"Is everyone prepared for the ascent?" Masha inquired, scanning her squad with a determined gaze.

The squad members all nodded in agreement. Surprisingly, Samantha had joined them in the Humvees as they departed.

"You should be up there before 6am if everything goes well. The sun should rise at around 8am. It would be better if you could accomplish the mission before then so that the night covers your presence. But don't forget, the possibility of them using equipment similar to ours is high, so stay alert."

Samantha took a moment to make eye contact with each member of the squad before speaking further.

"Your extraction point will be here if no trace of enemy forces has been detected. Two choppers will be on standby for emergency deployment, with an estimated arrival time of 10 minutes after contact. It would be advisable to make contact with us once you reach the summit and are prepared to begin the investigation. Good luck," her eyes conveyed a hint of concern as they met Ray's, "and stay cautious."

The Humvee carrying Samantha departed, leaving the squad standing amidst the quietude of the forest.

"You heard her, be careful, and everything should go well. We'll let Ray lead the way. I believe he can find us a safe route for our trek, right?" she inquired, earning his nod. "Irina, you're next, followed by Julie, Lena, Ernst, and myself. Squad, move out!"

Everyone took their positions as instructed, with Masha bringing up the rear to watch their back as they proceeded towards the summit.

Halfway through, Masha called for a stop so they could take a moment to drink and recuperate before continuing their ascent.

With Ray's expertise as a scout, he guided them along the best and easiest path, allowing them to progress smoothly and reach their destination in a little less than the estimated six hours. They found a plateau that overlooked the village, providing both a strategic vantage point and sufficient cover to avoid detection.

"Okay everyone, prepare a good spot for Lena so that she can have a clear overview. Make sure you're ready. It's currently 5:28, and you'll make your way to the village at 5:40. I'll get in contact with the base in the meantime," Masha said in a commanding tone.

While everyone complied with Masha's instructions and prepared for their march, she isolated herself to establish a radio transmission with the base.

"Base, this is Gamma Squad 1. Do you copy?"

"Sergeant Samantha here, we read you loud and clear, Corporal Masha. Have you reached the summit?"

"Yeah, we're here. Surprisingly quick ascent, thanks to the human's navigation skills," Masha responded, impressed by the efficiency of their climb.

"Yes, indeed. He's proving to be quite valuable already," Samantha replied, acknowledging Ray's early contribution to the mission.

Masha's frustration was palpable in her sigh. "He will have to do way more than that to win his place here, if all he is good at is climbing mountains..." She paused for a moment before continuing, "But I digress, we will begin the mission in 6 minutes. I should make sure everything is in order if that's okay with you."

"Yes, everything is fine on our side, and support is ready to depart. Good luck. Base, over."

While Masha kept in touch with the base about their progress, Ray, having everything he needed ready, approached Julie. He cleared his throat to get her attention as she was putting back her variety of medicines inside her bag. She turned her head to him, seeming discontent at being interrupted.

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