Chapter 3

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I sat in my office waiting for my younger brother to retrieve someone from New York for me was frustrating. Maybe I should have gone and collected them myself. Maybe it would have gone much smoother than what I've been told that happened.

Rocking back in my chair I waited for my brother to call me saying he had landed back in Athens. Which he should have by now since my jet landed twenty minutes ago.

Another five minutes passed and I lost all my patients, ringing my brother's best friend, Nico.

"Hey boss." Nico's voice flooded through the phone. He sounded nervous.

I hear movement in the background. "Who is it, Nic?" I hear Eugene's voice and a grunt.

I am sick of no one telling me what's going on. "Tell me what's going on before I get to the air strip myself and find out what's happening." I growl at him.

I grab my jacket before leaving my office and making my way through my house. "Um, there was a complication when we landed." Nico mumbled. I grabbed my keys from the sideboard table in the entry and made my way into the garage hopping into my Charger. "And Franco Delleny was waiting for us to land." Hearing that name I wanted to shoot every motherfucker in sight.

"And what happened?" My voice grew agitated with the little strings of information Nico was giving me.

He sighed before speaking again. "I'm just going to be straightforward boss. Azura bolted as soon as we turned our backs, landing right into Franco's arms and he thinks she knows all of your secrets because your brother said she was your property." He rushed out and I barely kept up with him.

I slam my foot on the brake, jerking my body forward. Why the fuck did I let my idiot of a brother go get her. I should have gone then this mess would have never happened. "I'm almost there. And get the footage off the cameras." I hung up. Now that Franco has his hands on something he shouldn't have, he will be needing a new leader for his group.

My fist clenched around the steering wheel until it groaned under the pressure. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to Azura. I know her father would find out that I've taken his daughter and would want a war, and if he wants one he's getting one.

I met Azura when my father was still the leader of our mafia at a conference she attended. Even though she was in her fathers shadow, she could light up the whole room without even trying. When I tried to speak to her, her father, Theodore, always answered for her. Her blue eyes almost as deep as the ocean didn't have any light in them. It was only then I could see that Teo abused her by the way she flinched every time he raised a hand.

I hopped out of my car to see Eugene with one of my men putting cream on the small cuts and bruises that littered his chest.

He stood up as soon as he saw me, only to fall back down again. "I'm sorry man." He grunted in pain, that was when I saw the blood soaked bandage around his leg.

"You were supposed to keep your eye on her Gene. I told you she would run given an opportunity." I gritted out pulling his head back by the roots of his hair. I leaned down that my face was beside his. "Now you have to help me get her back."

He nodded in my hold.

I ripped my hand from his hair and walked towards where Nico had the computers with the feed of the cameras in the area.

"What have you found?" I asked Nico. I stopped right behind him, close enough to feel him shiver in fear stepping forward a bit.

He quickly glances back at me before turning back around. "Uh, he took out the guards around the strip." he stutters showing the feed of my men getting sniped or bashed to death.

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