Chapter 12

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*Three months has passed by*

It was 7 AM and Luz was on her feet, stretching.

It took her a moment to get used to her new sleeping regime, but now that she did, she could not imagine it any other way.

Even the way she saw sleep changed, it was no longer a time to rest her mind or body, most of the time she felt like she needed no rest at all.

It was more of a required thing to function at maximum capacity, something she should do, but necessarily did not have to do. She already found out she was able to work three days without any sleep before any ill effects started to show.

She needed two sleep cycles for maximum effect, about 200 minutes, or 3 hours and 20 minutes per day, so usually Luz went to sleep at 3:40 and got up at 7, just as her mother left for work.

Luz finished stretching, dropping into a plank on the floor, she placed her phone in front of her, staring Duolingo and continuing her French lessons, while she did push ups.

The first day she tried this, she was able to do three of them before collapsing , the next day was also three as was the next, she was nervous at the time, fearing that something was wrong with her, only to get to 27 the very next day.

Now she did not even feel them being that taxing.


She counted, while answering words in her app, this was easy, this was now the norm for her.


And so the cycle continued, until she was done with her first French lesson of the day.

She lost count of how many she did, but it did not matter to her, she had much more things in her regiment then just push ups.

Luz pushed herself off the ground, propelling herself to her feet, quickly changing into running gear and hoodie, grabbing her headphones.

Exiting her room, she stood on top of the stairs, looking around making sure no-one was here, she jumped, all the way down..

It was a stress test and also a way for her adaptation to kick in and make her more resilient to jumps from height, she could probably jumped out her window and not bother with going thru the house at all, but she needed to account for neighbors and other people who might see her, so stairs it was.

She quickly passed through the entryway, putting on her shoes.

And before she knew it, she was running thru the forest, her headphones playing her own recording, reading the magic books from the library to better memorize them, or another French lessons, sometimes she played French podcasts to truly get to know the language, it was incredible what three month of dedication could do to her.

How far along it could move her.

A hill was coming up, a mighty opponent in the first few weeks of her training, now overcome almost without notice.

Her new found physical prowess did not stop amazing her, a while back even her mom noticed.

It was almost one and half month ago that Camila encountered Luz when she returned from work, Luz was facing away from her, making food in the kitchen and she was wearing a crop top, her toned back and broader shoulders, on full display.

Luz chuckled at the memory, at first her mom thought someone broke into their house and was happily making themselves sandwiches at their kitchen counter.

It took her a while to stop her mom from freaking out, both of them always busy, Luz with training and Camila at work, they did no see much of each-other, in the end Luz managed to convince her mother she just hit her growth spurt, there was no other explanation for this anyway, that her mom knew of, so she accepted the explanation.

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