Chapter 5

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Temptation was usually Liv's downfall. She liked being adventurous and trying new things. As a witch, she didn't know if she was only going to live once, strictly speaking, but she was still determined to make the most of her life. That was why she was so open about hugging her friends, taking pictures, savouring each moment: she would rather regret the things she did than the things she didn't.

That meant leaving the hematite bracelet in its bag overnight, since she didn't have the energy or clarity of mind to test it properly. Liv couldn't remember which stall or vendor Rhea had bought it from; she knew it wasn't Johanna's work, but that was about it. She and Rhea hadn't spent that much time apart at The Fathoms, so Rhea wouldn't have had too many opportunities to pick up something that Liv hadn't seen. The bracelet haunted her dreams, teasing her with memories of Rhea's black-painted lips smudged with her blood when her love bites had gotten a bit too enthusiastic, and Liv wondered if that was the point. You're trying to mark me, Liv would tease. Of course, Rhea would reply.

When she woke up, Liv practically bounced out of bed and threw open the curtains, barely even flinching at the onslaught of light. As she sat by the balcony doors, she reread the message on the bag: Doesn't fit well. Probably can't return it, so I thought you might like it. Rhea would have been able to try it on at The Fathoms: any vendor would offer—especially to an obvious newcomer—since most sellers didn't attend every market, which made returns and exchanges difficult. But Rhea also knew Liv favoured bright colours. Was the strip of darkness just another way for Rhea to intrude on her thoughts? Liv held the bracelet up to the sunlight, marvelling at how the red jewels seemed to glow; the gleam on the hematite beads was so rich that Liv was tempted to lick them.

Liv cast every probing spell she could think of on the bracelet, but she couldn't find any trace of malicious energy. Its intent seemed to be related to fortitude, but after looking for tricks and traps for so long, she started to doubt herself. "I'll ask Piper," she muttered, setting the bracelet on the entry table with her room key and purse. She sped through her shower and nearly crushed her glasses when she sat on the bed to pull on her boots. Hey, Pipes! Do you have a quick minute? I want your opinion on something I got from The Fathoms last night.

Expecting a text in reply, Liv almost fell off the bed when her phone rang. "Morning, sleepyhead," Piper sang. "I've got an early flight, so I won't be here for breakfast. Can I pop in now?"

"Sure. I'll just be doing my make-up. See you in a few." Liv disconnected and, remembering Seth from last night, made sure all her clothes were on the right way. After packing away the bag Rhea had written on—she didn't want Piper's opinion to be tainted—she sat at the vanity and started working on her make-up. Piper's knock came just as Liv was about to open her lipstick. "Coming!"

Piper held out a steaming cup of coffee. "Wasn't sure if you'd be having a late breakfast as well," she said after hugging Liv, "so I thought I'd grab you one too."

"Thanks, sweetie. You're the best." Liv pointed to the bracelet on the entry table. "A vendor gave me that as a bonus," she fibbed, not quite able to meet her gaze in the mirror. "I was trying to finish up at that point, so I forgot to ask what it's for. Can you get a read on it?"

"I'll try. Nice work, though. Steady hands." Piper took the bracelet over to the window and examined it from multiple angles. "I just get a sense of... strength," Piper said at last. "Like bolstering your strength or helping you to achieve strength, that sort of thing."

"That's what I thought. The word that came to me was fortitude." Liv turned to face her friend. "So you think it's safe enough to wear?"

Piper nodded. "Aye. It'll look nice on you. Sort of balance out all the colour. Anything else I can help with before I'm off?"

Drawn to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora