Chapter 10

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Warning: I wrote chapters 1-9 in April 2023 and then didn't get back to the story until December. I did reread it before I started writing again, but I apologize for any rough transitions.

It had been a long time since Liv had had a deep sleep—and even longer since she'd had great sex, at least of the leisurely variety—so she was more than happy to stay burrowed in her blankets. She had the alarm on her phone set so she wouldn't miss her flight, so she wasn't worried—until her phone dinged about forty minutes before her alarm was set to wake her. She had fallen asleep in the hotel robe and it was twisted all around her, so it took her a moment to free her arm and grab her phone from the bedside table.

Calling in five, the message from Finn said, with no punctuation and no emoji.

It didn't give Liv enough time for a shower, but it did let her lurch out of bed, adjust her robe, and put all her Fathoms bags together in a tidier pile, at least. She had her phone in hand when Finn called and she answered it before the first ring had even finished. "How are you feeling?" she asked immediately.

Finn's chuckle wasn't quite as loud as normal, but it was still full of life. "I can't even chide you for lack of manners on that one, can I, little witch? I'm okay. I'm sorry I gave everyone a scare."

"You should be." Liv knew she shouldn't exactly be talking back to a literal demon, but Finn had never really played intimidation games with her. "The new sigil is still feeling okay?"

"Yes. I haven't shown it to Becky yet, though, so don't ruin the surprise." Then Finn cleared his throat. "'I had a few questions about sigils and stuff. Do you have any breakfast plans? I have an executive suite, so I have a dining room apparently. I didn't realize that until yesterday."

Liv looked at her bed and sighed. She would have loved to sneak in another twenty minutes of sleep, but since she was already up, she figured she might as well get on with her day. "Sure. French toast for me, please."

"I know your regular," Finn replied, and Liv could hear the warmth from his smile. "Unless you want something else, of course. It's my treat."

"Just French toast and tea." Liv looked back at her bags. "Actually, just ask them for hot water? I brought my own tea."

Finn's laugh was still a relief to hear, even if it was directed at her. "Of course you did. Fair enough. Think you can be ready to eat in half an hour?"

"I should be. Did you want me to bring any of my sigil tools with me?" Liv asked. "I don't have much with me. A sketchbook, of course, because I always do—"

"I really should get you some," Finn mused. It was one of the gentlest interruptions Liv had ever experienced. "Sorry. No, you don't need to bring any tools. I always like looking at your sketches, though, so if you wouldn't mind bringing your book...."

"Sure. I usually keep it in my purse anyway." Then Liv paused. "Is the dining room actually in your suite," she asked, "or is it something you can... reserve downstairs?"

"Translation: Do you have to dress up?" Finn replied. "It's in my suite. If you want to come in a robe, that's fine by me. However you're comfortable."

"Okay. See you in thirty. What's the room number?" Liv had no idea if the executive suites were all on one floor or not. He probably got that so he could hold Judgment Day meetings and have enough space, she thought.

"1116. You should be able to get up to this floor with no trouble," Finn added. "If the elevator won't take you or whatever, just text me and I'll come get you."

"Sounds good." After she disconnected, Liv tossed her phone on the bed and headed for the bathroom, taking the longest, hottest shower she could. Her hips were pleasantly sore, so she decided to wear leggings: comfortably snug, but nothing that would make her squirm while she was sitting at the table. For a top, she chose a flowing blouse Piper had given her, hoping some of her friend's strength would be with her. Since she had time to spare, she tidied up the bed and bit and repacked her bag, making sure to tuck her smaller sketchbook in her purse as well as some tea bags.

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