Chapter 7

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Warning: sexual content

"Well, aren't you looking as bright as a ray of sunshine!" Piper's warm greeting wrapped around Liv seconds before her arms did, lifting her off the locker room floor. "Maybe I need to move to a farm!"

Liv managed to hide the worst of her blush when she was returning Piper's hug. She had certainly taken her friend's advice and been more active, going for walks and exploring the nearby shops every day. Her bicycle tires had been flat, but once she had those fixed and reinflated, she went on a bike ride every morning as well. It was the masturbation that had helped her the most, though. After the split with Rhea, Liv had been confused, almost broken; the relationship had been going so well and then all of a sudden Rhea wanted to end it. Seeking happiness should have been her first instinct, but somehow Liv had managed to convince herself that she didn't deserve it.

After her long, hedonistic session in her spell room, though, she resolved to enjoy her body at least once a day and made changes in her room to reflect it. She installed a semi-permanent dildo in her bathroom to enjoy during her morning shower and also moved most of her sex toys into a bin that fit under her bed so she could grab them easily; after visiting a few sites Sonya had suggested, she ordered some new toys and equipment to try and also bought and read some shamelessly indulgent romance novels. She was tempted to bring some of her toys along for her nights in the hotels, but she limited herself to a vibrator so small and sleek that most people mistook it for a fancy pen.

"Fresh air works wonders," Liv agreed. When Piper set her down, she reached into her bag and pulled out a Celtic knotwork pendant. "I found this at a second-hand market and thought of you. I did a cleansing, of course," she added as she set it on her palm, "and I know it's cliche, but...."

"Aw, sweetie, that's so nice of you!" Piper plucked the pendant from Liv's palm and let it dangle between her thumb and forefinger. "It's beautiful. It feels like it was well loved, and I think I have just the chain for it. I'll look when I get home. And if we're exchanging gifts...." She held up a finger, indicating for Liv to stay where she was. "Great minds think alike," she declared as she grabbed her bag and pulled out a small sachet.

"Fools seldom differ!" Becky hollered from the showers.

"Oh, hush, you!" Piper called back. Then she handed the sachet to Liv. "Rhodonite, as promised. I was just going to give you a stone, but then I went to a Fathoms market and found this. The vendor told me that it's from New Jersey, so I thought it was perfect."

"It is!" Liv squealed, hopping up and down after she opened the sachet. A slim choker necklace was inside, a white braided cord with an oval rhodonite bead at its centre, almost like a belt buckle. "Oh, I love it!" The stone was a deep blush pink and the polish on it made it look almost liquid. "Help me put it on?"

Piper took the necklace from her, but hesitated. "Aren't you wrestling tonight?"

Liv shook her head. "Nope. Just a promo and then sitting in as a guest on commentary. No physicality." She grabbed her hair in one hand and held it up to expose her neck for Piper. Once the necklace was clasped in place, the rhodonite oval fit snugly just above the hollow of her throat. "It's perfect, Pipes! Thank you." She wrapped her arms around Piper and squeezed. "You're the best!"

"Aye, well, tell that to Matilda the next time you talk to her on the phone," Piper quipped. "She was being a sulky girl this morning. I hope I remembered to put away all my good shoes before I left...."

"My sweet innocent Matilda would never!" Liv clutched her necklace in mock shock. When one of the backstage assistants stepped in and give everyone a time check, Liv sighed. "Okay. I should probably find Finn before the show starts. From what I saw in Creative, he's not on until the final hour, but he could have Judgment Day stuff to handle. Catch up with you later?"

Drawn to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora