Chapter 12

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"What should I wear tonight?" Liv asked as she got dressed. Rhea's match had been in the first hour, so she had waited for the witch to be done. After Liv kissed her, she noticed the sketchbook in Rhea's hand, the same one she had given to her when she drove out to the farm to try reconciling. That was only about two weeks ago, but Rhea had almost filled all the pages. I'll get her some new ones when we go to The Fathoms tonight, she thought as she put on her shoes.

"Hm. Let's see. Well, I've already been photographed with a hot chick with pink hair," Rhea grinned, "and then there was that babe with the Harley Quinn pigtails. Those were fun. How about green? Or will that just make people think I'm banging Shotzi?"

"I could do more of a mermaid green. A blue-green ombre." Liv twisted the beads on her glamour bracelet like they were number wheels on a combination lock until her hair looked like deep ocean water. "What do you think?"

"I think," Rhea replied, grabbing Liv by the waist and pulling her into a kiss, "that you got dressed way too fast for my liking. The Fathoms is open past midnight, right? So there's no need to rush...." She tugged at her waistband. "So does the spell affect all your hair or...?"

"Nice try." Liv gave her head a shake like a wet dog and her hair went back to silvery blonde. She had been using glamours in public so they could go out to restaurants and movies without attracting too much attention. Of course, now people were just wondering how many women Rhea was involved with, since she seemed to be with someone different every week. Liv would apply the glamour in their rental and take it off when they got to their hotel for the night or arrived at The Fathoms; no one at the supernatural market cared that they were dating, after all, and sometimes Liv would apply a different glamour entirely when they left The Fathoms just for fun. It let her experiment with different looks, which could always come in handy when Creative came up with new storylines, and Rhea and Damian had a ball making up fake names and scenarios for Rhea's fake girlfriends. "Does Finn need us to pick up anything for him?" she asked. "I forgot to ask him at breakfast and I think he's already gone. Local medical facility storyline."

"Right." Rhea quickly checked her phone. "Uh, doesn't look like he needs anything, but I'll text him quick. I'll ask Damian too." Her thumbs flew across her keyboard as Liv finished packing up her bag. Her phone dinged almost immediately. "Finn says there's nothing he needs, but that I should get you something nice."

Liv rolled her eyes. "Right. I'm sure that's what he said."

"Don't trust me?" Arching an eyebrow, Rhea stood and showed Liv her phone screen. "All good here," she read aloud. "Shouldn't need a refill for a month or so. Get Liv something nice, though. My treat."

"He doesn't have to. He knows that." Liv double-checked her bag's zipper before grabbing her purse. "Are you ready? Don't forget your book," she added, pointing to Rhea's sketchbook. It was perched precariously on the edge of the bench, taunting gravity. "What were you working on?"

Rhea made a noncommittal noise as she tucked the sketchbook in her purse. "Nothing in particular. Just doodling. I forgot how fun it is. Thanks again for the book," she added. "I should get you a replacement."

Liv shook her head. "You've seen how many I have. I'm good. There's a reason my workroom is on the main floor: Piper said the weight of the bookshelves alone would make the floor collapse otherwise."

"So that's the real reason you don't keep much in the treehouse," Rhea teased. "You don't want it to fall down." She kissed Liv and took her bag. "Mine's already in the rental. They should be fine in the trunk while we're at The Fathoms, right?"

"Yeah, security's pretty good." Liv felt like her heart was glowing. Rhea still had a lot of questions and misconceptions about supernatural stuff, but she was trying hard and was so open to learning more. She ended up getting her spiral sigil tattoo the same day Liv had drawn it up in the treehouse—that had been one of the fastest tinctures Liv had ever concocted, and she still wasn't sure it actually did anything for Rhea other than make her happy to have it. She got it high on her side where it would normally be covered by her bra band, and even Liv had to admit it made a cool tattoo. "This is a smaller gathering, so it shouldn't be too busy. I think it's being held in an old elementary school."

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