Chapter 6

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Warning: sexual content (masturbation)

Time on her farm wasn't something Liv took for granted. When she originally bought the land, so many people thought she would regret it since she was on the road with WWE most of the time, but she wanted to have a place that was her own, a place that could grow with her. It was a lot of work and she had to have someone look after her animals when she was gone, but it was worth it for her. She loved every early morning when she was able to walk out onto the land and check the animals. The baby cows were her favourite, but she would greet each animal by name and even if it took all morning to feed them, she loved making the rounds. It was a wonderful reminder of how much life there was waiting for her outside of wrestling.

I'm not even thirty! she chastised herself as she petted one of her cows. Why am I thinking like this? Her sigil bag bumped against her hip, bringing her out of her reverie. Now that all her farm chores were done, she had magic work to do. "Have a good afternoon, girlies!" she said to her cows, locking the gate behind her. The sense of satisfaction that usually filled her after seeing all the cows at the trough was somewhat dimmed, but she tried to keep her head and her spirits high as she went to her little treehouse.

Much like the farm, most people didn't understand why she wanted a treehouse. The farm they saw as a burden, an expense, an anchor for a young woman who was still exploring life to the fullest. The treehouse, on the other hand, was seen as a sign of immaturity or toxic nostalgia. Liv had simply wanted a nice view and a tiny hideaway for when she wanted to be closer to nature but still have the security of walls. It was something she had always wished for as a kid and now that she had the means, she decided to make her own wish come true.

Liv knew she lacked the building skills necessary, so the treehouse was professionally made, but it was still small and rustic. She didn't have it wired for electricity. The only furniture in it was two low, simple chairs and a drawing table for when she was working on sigils; a few shelves built in to the walls held various magical ingredients, but she kept most of her supplies in the main house to be safe. The treehouse was just within cell phone signal range for safety's sake, but she usually kept her phone on the floor when she worked, consulting it more for the clock than anything since she had gotten out of the habit of wearing a watch.

"When it rains...," she murmured, opening her bag and setting out her sketchbook and pencils. Then she wagged a finger at the window. "That's not a suggestion! Or a request!" The forecast for the day had been sunny and fair, but she knew the weather could change in an instant.

Liv wasn't used to working on so many sigils at once. Finn's ought to take priority, since he was a paying customer and she already had most of ingredients necessary; she was also more accustomed to designing tattoo sigils now, and it would be easier to get his out of the way before starting on the traces for Becky and Seth. Becky hadn't actually asked for one, but Liv didn't feel right making one for Seth but not for her. Her curiosity was also piqued, especially since Finn wasn't entirely sure why Becky had never asked for one.

Eventually she decided to work on Finn's first. She would have to prepare the tincture itself in the house because of the equipment she needed, but she could finish the sketch. "I can't believe he wants the toast!" she said with a giggle, flipping to the page with the toasts. Then she opened her spellwork sketchbook, the one with a much higher grade of paper that she used for the final version. She loved the thickness and the weight of the paper, the way it felt important and thus made her treat her work with the respect it deserved. It was so easy to fall into the trap of seeing sigils as simple doodles, but Liv knew how powerful even the simplest lines could be if they were in the proper configuration.

Adding a piece of kawaii toast to the rich paper almost seemed like sacrilege, but Liv forced herself to give it the same care she would with any other sigil. She made sure the eyes had the little star-glint in them and kept all the contours soft and rounded. "Shit. Did he want colour?" Liv tucked her pencil in the coil and grabbed her phone to send a quick text to Finn. Toast: coloured or not? She hoped he remembered their conversation, because she didn't want to say too much in case he was in public.

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