Friends In Low Places

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With newfound determination, the trio pressed on, their destination now insight. The echoes of their footsteps resonated through the tunnels as they ventured closer to the elusive sanctuary, leaving behind the horrors of the junction and forging ahead into the unknown expanse of the sewers. The journey, fraught with danger and unexpected twists, continued as they sought the light at the end of the subterranean

Encountering a couple of small Kobolds in the dimly lit tunnels, the trio recognized the potential for a mutually beneficial arrangement. Drawing from past experiences, they knew that these little reptilian creatures were often drawn to shiny objects and could be bargained with. Bilo, with his thick northern accent, approached the Kobolds and inquired if the group, including their hostage, could rest in their living quarters.

The Kobolds, initially silent, stared at the adventurers. Jenkins, well-versed in the ways of these sewer-dwelling creatures, explained that the little lizards had a penchant for shiny items. seizing an opportunity, Bilo reached into his bag of holding and produced a trade bar of gold, one of the many ill-gotten gains from his life as a career criminal in the north.

The Kobolds' eyes lit up with excitement, and their demeanor changed instantly. They became giddy and, as if struck by a shared revelation, led the group to a large underground city of their kind within the sewers. The Kobolds guided the party through ladders and stairs to what the creatures considered a luxurious accommodation, expressing in broken English if they needed anything that the group only need request it.

Clearly, the gold bar had done the trick, establishing a connection between the adventurers and the Kobolds. In the subterranean haven of the Kobold city, the trio found an unexpected respite, surrounded by the curious and industrious inhabitants of this hidden world beneath the city streets. The sewers, it seemed, held not only dangers but also opportunities for unusual alliances in their journey towards sanctuary.

With Jenkins taking his leave, presumably to navigate the mean streets of London on his own, Bilo and Sylvester found themselves content in the subterranean haven of the Kobold city. For several days, the duo enjoyed a welcomed respite, taking the opportunity to rest and recuperate. Sylvester, always the inquisitive wizard, eyed the Kobolds' stash of goods that were available for sale.

During their stay, the pair not only found physical rest but also indulged in moments of joy and camaraderie with the Kobold community. Sylvester, with his magical prowess, entertained the Kobold children with cantrips, creating delightful and captivating magical displays. The echoes of laughter and the warmth of newfound friendships filled the underground chambers as the adventurers and Kobolds shared these moments of respite and joy.

In this unexpected sanctuary within the sewers, Bilo and Sylvester discovered a different side to their perilous journey. The Kobold city, though hidden and unconventional, became a temporary haven where the hardships of the world above were momentarily forgotten. As the days passed, the trio forged a unique bond, transcending the boundaries between different races and backgrounds. In the hidden depths below London, the adventurers found not only allies but also a sense of shared humanity, even in the most unexpected of places.

Recognizing the looming issue of their restrained VIP, Bilo and Sylvester knew that time was of the essence. The unconscious official needed proper care, and the adventurers couldn't simply return to the Red Lion Inn themselves to retrieve the ransom. In a stroke of resourcefulness, they turned to their newfound Kobold allies for assistance.

Making an offer to the Kobolds, the duo proposed a mutually beneficial arrangement. If the Kobolds could take the official to the inn, collect the ransom from room 6, and ensure the VIP's well-being, Bilo and Sylvester promised a share of the shiny objects they had in their possession. The Kobolds, ever quick and intrigued by the prospect of more shiny treasures, eagerly agreed to the task.

In a flurry of small reptilian activity, the Kobolds swiftly made off with the unconscious official, leaving Bilo and Sylvester to await their return. The sewers, once a perilous labyrinth, now became a stage for an unusual alliance to unfold. As the Kobolds embarked on their mission, the adventurers hoped that this arrangement would not only secure the ransom but also strengthen the bond between them and their newfound subterranean companions.

As the Kobolds returned, carrying a bag that bore a striking resemblance to Bilo's bag of holding, Sylvester's curiosity got the better of him. Electing to open the bag for inspection, he was met with an unexpected turn of events. The moment the bag was unsealed, a powerful force seemed to pull Sylvester into its depths. Acting swiftly, Bilo, relying on his robust strength, managed to grab hold of Sylvester's legs just in time, narrowly preventing the wizard from being completely consumed by the mysterious bag.

Sylvester, now safely back on solid ground, identified the insidious item as a "Bag of Devouring." The duo, realizing the gravity of their situation, deduced that their brash actions had triggered a retaliatory move from the government of Portuga. Instead of complying with the ransom, it seemed the authorities had opted for a more aggressive approach –an attempt to eliminate the kidnappers.

The revelation hung in the air, a stark reminder that their actions had consequences far beyond what they had initially anticipated. As Bilo and Sylvester grappled with the unexpected twist, they understood that navigating the political intrigues of this world would require more cunning and caution than they had initially bargained for. The duo, now faced with two hostile governments and a treacherous landscape, prepared for the challenges that lay ahead in their quest.

Armed with the knowledge that the sewers had provided, Sylvester took the opportunity to further familiarize himself with his magical craft. Purchasing a salvaged book of spells titled "Navigating the Fae Wilds" from the resourceful Kobolds, he delved into the mystical lore contained within, seeking to expand his understanding of the arcane.

 As the duo's time in the sewers neared its end, Bilo and Sylvester expressed their gratitude to their Kobold hosts, who had proved to be benevolent allies in this subterranean world. Requesting guidance to the surface, the Kobolds led them to a sewer outlet that fed into a river. Pointing the way toward the "Big city, much magic," the little reptilian creatures bid their farewells.

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