Chapter 25:

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Kayleb awoke to pale sunlight. His head was pounding from the strange dreams he had the night before of his pack falling into nothing but depravity. When he opened his eyes, before he even smelled the air, he realized it hadn't been a dream. He had to drive out about a dozen wolves from the Omega quarters. And the loud discussion he got into after they left the quarters, and some of the leaders of these groups go to them wanting to know what had happened. When he told them, they looked at him in disbelief. He thought they would be as baffled as he was, but they began to argue that this was the new norm.

Kayleb remembered that he almost exploded at that moment, putting them back in their place, and how he ordered them never to force Omegas to do anything again before storming off, throwing the people into the dungeon. He couldn't even tell the guards not to think about freeing them, as he couldn't find them.

After walking around for a while, he just gave up for the day and crawled into his bed, knowing that nothing would be easy and there would be many more fights like this.

Kayleb groaned in utter annoyance. He was about to turn over to sleep some more if only there hadn't been a knock on his door. Sniffing the air to find out if it was important, a bright smile spread across his face. Kayleb suddenly jumped out of bed and was at his door in a flash. When he opened it, Luke stood before him with tired eyes.

Startled, Luke stared at him and then looked him up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Why aren't you dressed yet?"

Confused, Kayleb looked back at Luke and then at himself, standing in front of the younger boy in only his tight briefs. "Why should I?"

"Because we have school today?" Luke asked rhetorically, gesturing as if his Alpha was an idiot.

It took a while for his words to sink in, and as soon as they did, Kayleb's eyes widened in shock. He jumped back into bed, got to his phone, and took it in his hand for the first time since the day he left. No messages or calls, just date and time. The second the date was visible, he collapsed onto the bed and groaned like a child.

"But I don't want to!" he whined.

Luke could only smile. Although his Alpha was a mature guy for the most part, he sometimes had his little boy moments. So he entered the room, grabbed one of Kayleb's legs, and tried to pull him out of bed but couldn't move him much. However, when he saw his blanket, an idea came to him. Instead of pulling him off the bed, he tugged on the blanket, which worked like a charm.

With a loud thud that Kayleb didn't even acknowledge, he fell to the ground and continued to wail, holding his phone in his hands to his chest as if it could save him.

After the fall, Luke tried his best to pick Kayleb up from the ground, but Kayleb looked at him with a mischievous glint. Luke had only seen it for a split second, quickly realizing he was too close and, therefore, in the danger zone. He tried to escape. He really did, but his Alpha was just faster. So, within a second, he was on the floor with him, suffocating on his Alpha's large pecs.

The younger wolf tried with all his might to free himself and even screamed for help, but it was unsuccessful.

"What in the name of the Dark Valleys is going on here?" asked a voice from the door.

There stood the handsome, dark-haired Victor, who wasn't in the room but was standing barely out of it, still in the hallway with a grin decorating his lips. Alek stood beside him, staring at Kayleb and Luke with wide, begging eyes.

When Kayleb saw this, he opened his arms, and without hesitation, Alek ran to them, jumping into their arms. Most of his tiny body landed on top of Luke, but he felt almost nothing since Alek was light as a feather.

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