Chapter 34:

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Kayleb had no idea what he was doing. Except for one thing: the sadness in Chris' eyes was too much for him. He had no idea why because it wasn't the first time he'd seen someone like that, Luke included, and it never bothered him that much. He led him to the front and out of the school. But then he let him go.

"Are you better now?" Kayleb asked. His voice was filled with so much compassion that not even he could believe it.

Chris dropped his gaze to the floor, trying to hide the slight blush on his cheeks, but he had no idea it was growing down his neck and over his ears. His hands were in his jacket pockets as he nervously swung his left leg back and forth.

It made his feelings clear. Kayleb knew that if he didn't escape this situation, he would probably do something so stupid that he would break his morals.

He placed his hand on Chris' chest, feeling his rapidly beating heart. Directly after verifying his earlier confession, he withdrew his hand, turned around, put his hand on Luke's head, and walked him to his car. The feeling of being an asshole leaving someone longing for his return, alone, heartbroken, he couldn't even bring himself to look back. How could he when his heart was also making some questionable movements? He remembered the words of the white spirit with whom he had spoken in his home in Caldor about the possibility of multiple soulmates. Although it was unusual in the past, it had happened. But Chris isn't even a werewolf or a lycan. He's just an ordinary human.

Therefore, it wasn't even possible to make him a "little moon" - Kayleb hated that title because it amounts to being a concubine. Their places were created after the Great Migration, as the lycan ranks had to be repopulated for the first time, and as a sign of the strength of a leader, they had multiple "little moons". Once upon a time, there was a general with fifty "little moons," all women, and no soulmate. He never had one, but somehow, he circumvented lycan's natural limitations and fathered hundreds of children with these women. He wasn't even an Alpha, just a powerful normal wolf with excellent tactics and a preference for brunette women.

But the person Kayleb instinctively thought of was one of his ancestors, Galivan the Bright. He had a soulmate, a female lycan, but also six "little moons," three women and three men. The women were large and built for battle, while the men were small, fertile Omega breeders. He was an eccentric man who had children with all seven of them, but only the children of his soulmate and the three male Omegas lived.

It is rare to receive a "little moon" because although it is a status symbol, the other person must feel pure love for the other person. It may seem simple to those around, but the Cauneshka - as this group of partners is called in an ancient lycan dialect, meaning simply "Second Partner" - is a slave oath. The people who undergo it can never go against their master or leave.

A reality that no one mentions because it shouldn't be public knowledge. It is in a rarely used passage of lycan law and is so unknown that most judges don't even know about it.

However, Kayleb had to repeatedly remind himself that Chris wouldn't be suitable since he was human. The oath would break his soul.

When he got to his car, he opened the door and immediately jumped inside. His hands landed on the steering wheel. Sitting there, his heart began to feel heavy. It was the same feeling he had with Chad, who seemed to want something similar to Chris. At least, that's how he interpreted it. But he could only wonder, why do souls seem drawn to him?

"Luke?" Kayleb asked suddenly without looking to his side, even though he had heard the younger boy getting into the car.

"I don't know either. It seems especially weird to me, as seemingly only men are drawn towards you," Luke replied absentmindedly. "But I can't blame them. I felt the same way. Even though I didn't know you, I knew I would be safe with you."

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