Chapter 38:

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"What's going on here?" Kayleb's voice boomed across the place. Although the tone was pleasant, just hearing it, everyone knew that there was nothing but authority in it.

Kayleb became suspicious when none of the eight boys said anything. So he stepped forward since he couldn't see anything because the guy he had his hand on was blocking his line of sight. Strangely, the guy tried to stop him from seeing anything. But he didn't let that happen. Wordlessly, he easily picked the guy up, only to put him back down a step to the side. A tight smile was on his lips, but he was stunned when he turned back forward. There, in the middle of the circle that these eight guys had formed, lay a boy covered in blood, his clothes torn, and even from his position, he could see several broken bones. But what surprised him so much were the green-blue eyes that looked terribly familiar.

Just a second later, he slowly turned back to the guy, who tried to hide the scene, giving him a dangerously cold stare. He turned back to the bloody body and raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Luke?" he asked sternly.

Kayleb had adjusted the tone of his voice so that he was sure Luke would understand the underlying meaning, that he was asking for something other than confirmation that it was him. But permission. Not permission that would allow him to do what he had in mind - he would do it regardless - but if he was okay with him doing it in his sight.

He had his eyes on little Luke, waiting for anything. Sure, he was in too much pain to speak. After a moment, he saw something, a slight nod. A wide grin formed on his lips. Suddenly, he felt a certain darkness come over him. He would have fun with it.

One of the attackers laughed, telling Luke that Kayleb was already on their side. But amidst his blubbering, he suddenly went quiet. A strange, wet thud quickly followed. It took a few seconds for someone to scream, but it was already too late by then.

Seven more wet thumps were heard, followed by flowing liquid and something rolling.

Even though Kayleb knew Luke was watching him, he didn't care anymore. He felt something rushing through his veins, something that made his animal side want to kill and nothing else. Suddenly, he moved so quickly that he only saw the boys' heads fall to the ground and heard their bodies fall behind him a few seconds later. All he could see were his claws cutting through skin, flesh, and bone on his side. It sprinkled warm streaks of blood all over his face and on his clothes. Glancing sideways at Luke, he met his orbs with glowing dark red Alpha eyes, but he immediately regretted it when he could see the fear shimmering inside them. Feeling ashamed, he quickly looked away, trying to suppress his bloodlust.

"So merciless," Luke said out of breath.

Kayleb heard Luke's soft voice say. It was so quiet that he was sure no one else had heard it. He was sure that even though he had seen it before, Luke must have been shocked because he wasn't like that to the rest of his pack, even though it would have been the easiest way to deal with all the problems. But he silently reminded himself to stand firm, wanting to resolve it peacefully.

Another pair of screams suddenly pulls him out of his thoughts. When he looked over to where it originated, he saw Luke's friends also covered in blood and the werewolves that held them there lying dead on the ground. He didn't even remember killing those guys. And yet he held one of their heads like a trophy. He put one of his hands under it, collecting the blood, which he examined carefully. His face darkened before he snapped in Luke's direction.

"Luke, do you see anything white in her blood?"

The question startled Luke a little, but almost out of instinct, he looked at the blood when the question was asked. He narrowed his eyes at the free-flowing blood, but he couldn't see anything from the bodies. That changed when his gaze moved to one of the heads, which had something white with blood flowing out of it, but also from his ears, nose, and eyes.

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