Chapter 4

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We just watched as Dylan walked away fuming. I looked at the others and saw Asto and Nebula smirking at their old brother. Just then, Poseidon showed up.

"Have any of you heard of my Children, Star Lily, and Percy?" He asked, looking around, with hope in his eyes. Star and Percy just sat there with a blank face. They excused themselves and walked to the beach.


When Percy and I finally arrived at the beach, I sat down at the edge of the water. The water looked gray, as if it lost all its color when we left. I made a ball of water leave the lake and come to me. I touched it lightly, and instantly, the color came back. I sent it away just before Poseidon showed up.

"Have you seen any Boy or Girl with Black hair, and Sea green eyes?" Poseidon asked, looking hopeful. "I thought I felt them here."

"No, we haven't, I'm sorry." I said, faking that I cared. With that, I stood up, stretched my wings, and took off. I flew around the camp for a few minutes before I landed outside the cabin. I walked in and headed to my room. When I finally entered my room, I laid down on the bed. When I finally woke up, I heard the others yelling. I ran down the stairs to see the kitchen on fire.

"WHO IN HADES NAME STARTED THIS FIRE!?" I yelled as I ran to put it out. The others just pointed at Cleober and Beos. I groaned. I looked them in the eye and gave them a death glare that rivaled Hades' death stare. They visibly paled, which I didn't think was possible for Beos. When the fire was put out, I grabbed their ears and dragged them to the training room, and made the do 2000 push ups and sit ups. The others followed us to the training room and saw them doing their push ups and sit ups.

"What did you make them do?" Storm asked, laughing. I just smirked and said nothing. I walked out of the cabin to see if I could get some peace and quiet. while I walked, I ran into Thalia.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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