chapter 1

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" Oi get out of bed you lazy shit! don't u dare make me fucking come in there" My father spoke in a angry tone, slamming his elbow into my door as he walked past sending a quick shiver down my spine as my head flew off the pillow and I sat upright. I looked down at my phone 7:38

Shit! I really was late. I jumped out of my bed so quickly I nearly took the sheets with me, I grabbed my clothes that I laid out on my drawers last night and ran straight into my bathroom to wash my face

while I'm washing my face I feel like I should introduce myself too you all.

Hey, my names Adaline, and I fucking hate my life. But I'll keep it simple, I'm 18 and I go to Hailburg College, I have a few friends. Sian, Allie, and Chris they mean the world to me they've always been there for me and I couldn't ask for any more. But on the other hand theirs Lisa, she is a walking, talking hemorrhoid a pain in the ass you cannot get rid of, she is the bane of my existence a huge ball-ache. I'd rather make friends with an ape than have to spend more than one hour in the same room as her.

And I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual, she hates me I hate her. But anyway enough about Lisa what else is interesting about my life.... I mean my fathers one hell of a dad. Let's just say he isn't winning the 'parent of the year prize' anytime soon, I can't do anything in this house without being beaten up for it. I'm like a walking punching bag for him. But it's okay he only ever does it when I deserve it. Ever since my mum died he's been like that he used to be nice to me but now he is like a whole different person. I still love him I have to, deep down he is my dad.

If your wondering how my mum died it was a car accident, me, her, and my dad were in the car. But the car tipped over and she hit her head. Hard

But lets not dwell on things like that, I have to be strong. For dad

Anyway today is my first day back since its been the summer holidays so I'm already late on the first day back! so back to the story.

After I washed my face and put on some makeup, and brushed my hair I grabbed my bag and tip toed down the stairs in hopes my father wouldn't see me but as I just about made it to the door, this raspy voice shot straight through me like a dagger

" Adaline, get your ass here I'm not in the mood for your shit today. I will let you off for waking up late if you come pick this up"

I looked over my shoulder as my father gestured at the shattered glass on the floor. He was clearly hungover, so bad I could still smell the booze on him. I rolled my eyes and dropped my bag as I walked over the main room

" yes, father"

"sir, call me sir you're no daughter of mine"

"yes sir" When I spoke my voice sounded like jelly as I attempted to hold back my tears. I took a deep breath as I picked up the glass and took it to the bin without a peep

" You little bitch what do you call this? cant you do one thing right"

I gasped in fright as he leaned down and picked up the one piece of glass I hadn't seen

"fa- No Sir I'm so sorry please let it slide I beg I'm about to go to school" i blocked my face with my arms as tears fell down my cheeks. I knew what was going to happen but it was too late. His steps got louder the closer her got, but the closer he got the more scared I was his punches hurt he never holds back. But this time he didn't punch me.

He grabbed my arms and pushed me so hard my back slammed against the counter sending a loud screech out my throat, before I could stop him he slashed my face with the glass piece.

Thick, warm blood trickled down my face my jaw dropped as I held my hands out to catch the blood before it could hit my clothes. I reached out to grab a piece of tissue but before I knew it he grabbed me, and my bag and dragged me out of the house and flung me into the car.

I looked down at my clothes that where drenched in blood, and my face was still bleeding

" If you think I'm letting you change clothes you can think again. I'm going to drive you to school and you can show everyone how weak you are." He spoke with a snarl as he pulled out the driveway

He's right I am weak, I'm a coward for not standing up for myself I deserved it.

I held my hand over the wound running from my left eyebrow to the bottom of my nose. when we reached the school the bleeding slowed down. I couldn't speak a word but as I went to open the door my Dad grabbed my arm " You know I only do this to make you  better person sweetheart, Everything I do is for you, you're weak I'm trying to make u stronger as a person, I love you sweetie" He spoke with a smile so sweet I couldn't argue with him. I know what he means he would never hurt me unless it was for my own good

" I know Dad, I love you too"

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