chapter 4

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Over the past 307 years and the 197 colleges I've attended English has to be my least favourite class of them all. but today was one of the most interesting I've attended. It was that girl again the one who had a huge cut on her face, I will admit I was impressed by how she handled that attention-seeking bitch. My gosh, she was a ball-ache and I had only met her for 5 minutes. she kept nagging for my attention ugh gross, and I must say I was kind of flattered by the way all the girls were gawking at me. But it's my first day and I already have a detention, but I'm sure I would have gotten one anyway in another way. honestly, I just want to go home.

When lunchtime rolled around me, Josh, Alex, and Jack all met up a the canteen. We mostly sat on our phones the whole time because we didn't exactly enjoy 'human food' but as we were talking about how our classes went everyone rushed outside all chanting " FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT' of course I didn't care but Jack was a nosey bugger who wanted to check it out. So we all followed behind him to where there was a ring of students.

We pushed through to the front to see that same girl with a cut on her face, Adaline I think her name was? anyway, she was getting screamed at by some other girl.

" you little cunt! my best friend in in clinic passed out because of you!" The little blonde girl spoke with an aggressive tone. I don't normally care about human problems but this was kind of interesting.

" Yeah, and I hope she doesn't wake up" The crowd was roaring after that one.

" Just because she made one small comment about you shitty dad doesn't mean you need to beat her up" I watched as Adaline's hand turned into a fist.

But before anyone could blink, the blonde girl slapped Adaline, for a split second Adaline's eyes flickered a neon green. I gasped and turned to Alex Jack and Josh to see if they had seen it too. They had, Their jaws were on the floor and so was mine. Adaline was the girl we were looking for.

As we turned back to the fight Adaline was going feral on the blonde and getting dragged off by a teacher. Me Josh Alex and Jack Rushed off into the school library straight after the fight happened.

"That's Victoria's daughter, She is the key!" Alex spoke excitedly whilst we all went and sat at the table "No shit Sherlock! but don't you think this is all too easy? no one has seen or heard from Victoria for 3 years but now her daughter attends a local college?" I agreed with Jack that this all seemed too good to be true.

"Are we one hundred percent sure it's her though?" Josh said with a slight hint of hesitation.

"I know it's her, she has the same eyes Victoria had when she murdered my parents"

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