chapter 5

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After the fight happened with Izzy, Lisa's best friend, Miss Anderson dragged me off her and gave me a huge earful. I ended up with an after-school detention for it. To be fair Miss Anderson was very generous with that punishment so I accepted it without arguing.

When the last bell rang and everyone was heading home I had to go straight to detention. I think I was the only one there today because when I entered I was alone. Luckily Miss Jones, the woman who does after-school detentions, had left during the day because she felt sick so I was all alone. Not that bad I enjoy being by myself, it's quiet.

I double-checked the room before I headed to the back of the empty classroom, at the very back there was a small windowsill. So that's where I sat, I opened the window reached into my pocket, and grabbed a cigarette.

I leaned my head back against the wall as I exhaled the smoke, I was lost in thought wondering how my dad would punish me this time and how I could try to dodge it. That's until my silence was broken when I heard the door creek open, it was Kyle thee new kid.

I do understand why the girls all found him attractive, he was around 6'3 with thick black hair, a scar across his lip, and the most beautiful eyes, he had heterochromia one blue and one green. who am I kidding he looks like a Greek God!

"Keep staring at me you will drill a hole through my head" Even his voice was beautiful.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and turned my head to face outside the window. As I exhaled more smoke I felt his presence. He folded his arms on the windowsill by my legs " Smoking is bad for you, it slowly kills you over the years you might as well eat rat poison" He reached out, grabbed the cigarette out of my hand, and threw it out the window.

"Jokes on you I have another one in my pocket" I let out a sarcastic grin before grabbing another cig and waving it in his face. But as I went to grab my lighter from right beside me, it was gone.

I started looking around for it franticly. "looking for this? shouldn't leave your belongings out in the open sweetheart"

God his face pisses me off. That stupid half-smile I just wanted to punch him! "Call me sweetheart again and see what happens. And give me my lighter back" I reached out to grab it but he flung his arm in the air so I couldn't reach it.

"So, Who hurt your face then it looks like you took one hell of a beating I must say"

"That's none of your business!"

"Tell me who did it and I'll give you the lighter."

"The cat's mother"

"Was it your father like that bitch said? was she right?"

Oh my fucking god why is everyone talking about my father today! it pisses me off. By that statement alone it drove me off the edge I jumped off the window sill and kicked him in the balls. Now that made him lower his arm.

I took the lighter out of his hand and lit my cigarette as I stormed out of the classroom, and yes when I made it halfway out of the school I realized my bag was still in there but I wasn't going back in there I did NOT want to see his face again. I'll just collect it tomorrow.

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