Clint's Kids Part 2

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Cesar Hollingsworth

- He is 24 years old

- He is 3rd oldest child of the family

- He is polite, dramatic, theatrical, neat freak, sassy, imaginative, passionate, bombastic and friendly

- He is bisexual

- He is an actor

- He gives 120% in every performance, be it dramatic, comedic, romantic, or musical.

- He loves loves old-fashioned aesthetics. Especially Victorian aesthetics

- He is the drama queen in his family (Owen comes close, being pretty dramatic himself, but in a different way). He tends to have some crazy freak outs over some mundane problems, especially if it pushes his "neat freak" button.

- What usually relaxes Cesar outside of theater is cooking. It's the only area where he's okay being a little messy (helps that he usually wears an apron), and he's always eager to try to make something new. He'll still give a dramatic flair to putting a dish together, and will sometimes entertain the others by pretending to put on a cooking show. Sheldon assigns him to cook dinner when their parents are out, which Cesar has no problem with unless he's overworked.

Owen Hollingsworth

- He is 23 years old

- He is the 4th oldest child of the family

- He is dramatic, arrogant, mischievous, egoistical and snarky

- He is a magician

- He is Panromantic Asexual

- He has this habit about Disappearing and reappearing at random, therefore startling anyone in the area, there have been questions about whether Owen is secretly a creature from the netherworld, or he's just that good at being a magician.

- He gets a good kick out of spooking or aggravating people, so he still performs his "appear out of nowhere" thing, as well as various other magic based pranks. There are times where he just feels dramatic and pops up in a puff of smoke.

- He's harbored a love for magic and fantasy since he was a child, and when he's not performing magic tricks or pulling pranks, he'll be engaged in a fantasy RPG, or reading some fantasy book that Sheldon recommended to him. He enjoys looking up urban legends and mythical creatures, as spooky things like that fascinate him, and whenever the family's on vacation somewhere, he's on a quest to find the area's local cryptid.

- Owen has the biggest ego in his family, born out of his unmatched mischief and talent with magic. Like his brother Cesar, he's pretty dramatic, though more in the realm of being a show off in order to grab attention. In a big family, attentions can be divided, and Owen just has to put up with not being the center of attention all the time... or he could just pick on his siblings in his own special way. He wouldn't dare maim or kill them though. He is not a monster, he does love his siblings. He's not sappy about it, but he'll make sure to equip them with a lucky item as his subtle form of encouragement or protection.

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