Ellie's Step Sister And Her Older Twin Siblings

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Dorothy Black (Former Last Name: Carvalho)

- She is 30 years old

-Nationality: Brazilian-American

- She is sassy, blunt, confident, assertive, affectionate, caring, loyal, mature and hardworking

- Only child

- She loves teasing Ellie a lot and they don't get along that much but they still cared about each other

- She doesn't approve on what Ellie did on disventure camp (both season one and all stars) and she scolded the hell out of her for it (she gave her a HUGE ass whooping after that)

- She owns a successful beauty products business which made her the richest women alive

- She is straight

- She has a husband and has two kids

- Daddy issues

- She hates her biological dad for cheating on her mom with so many women and never spoke to him ever again

Lauren Black

- She is 27 years old

- She is compassionate, intelligent, sensible, mischievous and quite rebellious

- She is the eldest daughter of her dad and her biological mom

- She is pansexual

- She has a girlfriend and she loves her dearly

- She is a famous pop star

- Her pop star career made her not only famous but also rich due her making charities

- She is also a influencer

- She is older than Geoffrey by 5 minutes

- She is the level-headed one of her family

- She loves to pull pranks on Ellie and enjoys on embarrassing her with her step sister and her twin brother. But she does care for her however

Geoffrey Black

- He is 27 years old

- He is easygoing, friendly, spunky, mischievous and quite rebellious

- He is a motorcycle mechanic

- He works at a motorcycle mechanic company and manage to make a lot of money

- He loves to pull pranks on Ellie and enjoys on embarrassing her with his step sister and his twin sister. But he does care for her however

- He is the oldest son of his dad and his biological mom

- He is the only boy in the family and the middle child of his siblings

- He is straight

- He has two girlfriends as his lovers and he loves them with all of his heart

- He is younger than Lauren by 5 minutes

- He can be insecure and self-conscious about his appearance due to the fact that he has heterochromia which is why he grew his bang out in order to hide it

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